If so how much in how much time? Any personal experience? I would like to hear your success stories. Thank you.
My mother is on it. She HAS lost weight. In her case, you just have to be a little mindful of fatty foods...really greasy stuff can send you to the bathroom, but overall, it seems to be working. I had a baby 3 weeks ago, and she started using it a week before then...saw her for the first time yesterday actually and I could see the weight loss (could be water weight, not sure). She's in her mid fifties and walks daily. Good luck with your answers!
trimspa baby
I have never heard of them pills to be honest, but I will tell you a diet pill that will drop your weight and show it, and thats phentermine! Everyone I know that is taking it has lost over 20 pounds in 2 mths. It's really great, curves your appetite and gives you energy, u should definitely try it sometime, you wouldnt be dissappointed.
there is no diet pill that works, believe me. i have not heard a single success story from someone who took diet pills. they make you feel horrible and have hundreds of side affects including death! if you want to lose weight, the only way to do it is the old fashioned way - diet and exercise.
I did I lost 30 lbs in 2 months with diet pills, but then gained it all back when I stopped starving myself and popping the pills constatnlythough I found out that for me personally weight watchers was the best option, all of my family has gone on it and instead of starving we learned to eat healthy, fit in excersise time and have pleanty of fun doing ittogether we've lost almost 400 lbs between 6 adults in the last 2yrsI love being able to eat pleanty and have full meals rather than counting every cracker.. and living on water and air ;)p.s.diet pills are a great booster to get you started when you're just starting off since they do curve your appetite and give you the extra energy you dont havebut after you're set in your daily routine you dont need them anymore, since they can cause more harm than help in time
No luck with OTC crap, but my doctor put me on some stuff that I dropped 30 pounds in three months.
all diet pills do is burn the excess body fat in your body, you're given the illusion of losing weight and getting healthy but your body muscle remains the same. you may be skinnier but you're in just as poor health as you were when you began. most diet pill bottles say that best results come when you combine the diet pills, diet and excercise- my opinion, you're better off sticking just with the diet and excercise. an added bonus to diet pills, the minute you stop taking them the weight comes right back.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Has anyone lost this large amount of weight?
60 pounds in 3 months...so 20 pounds per month?
I've done it twice in my life
Me! But that was only cause I was going to middle school then and I got so worried that there would be prettier girls than me =(. Lol, yea, I was a bit self-centered... But yea. And I exercised til the point I wanted to DIE! I never felt better 'bout myself tho =D.
What about you?
And outta curiousity, why'd you ask? =D Cheers!
it could be done but check with your doctor, so he can monitor your weight loss. blood check for anemia, people who lose lot of weight in a small amount of time can get sick. best thing is ask a doc
I've done it twice in my life
Me! But that was only cause I was going to middle school then and I got so worried that there would be prettier girls than me =(. Lol, yea, I was a bit self-centered... But yea. And I exercised til the point I wanted to DIE! I never felt better 'bout myself tho =D.
What about you?
And outta curiousity, why'd you ask? =D Cheers!
it could be done but check with your doctor, so he can monitor your weight loss. blood check for anemia, people who lose lot of weight in a small amount of time can get sick. best thing is ask a doc
Has anyone lost 30 pounds in 3 months or less and how did you do it?
REAL answers only PLEASE
Don't BS me and tell me you ate right and exercised. Tell me exactly what you ate because obviously you did something very specific. Also, how much exercise, how intense, how often. How often did you eat, what did you restrict yourself to. What was your overall success--in 3 months and longer. Also what weight did you start at.
I lost 20 pounds in about 14 weeks.
-2 glasses of water on empty stomach
-breakfast 1 boiled egg with 1 low carb bread toast, with a little margarine, sometimes half an english muffin(whole grain), egg was always the constant, on week ends made my self an omelette(onions, tamatoes), without the toast. Probably two or three times in the total 3 months I ate a bran cereal, with very high fiber.
-Lunch Mostly salad with a protien, like chicken or fish
Sometimes I ate hummus, with low carb pita bread and a protien. or low spinach dip with low carb pita
-snack nuts like cashews or almonds, or a low carb yoghurt, and very somtimes an apple
-dinner whole grain bread, or low carb pita bread or roti with a protien curry or baked protien and some cheese
Generally I followed a very low carb routine, I rarely ate white rice or desert, or any sugar for 4 months.
Work out
3-5 miles daily on the treadmill for 6 days
2 times a week stretch yoga
2 times a week weight training
I was very consistent with the cardio workout, I skipped yoga somtimes, but never the cardio.
The low carb diet was very difficuly in the beginning, you will crave carbs like crazy, but do not give up in the first week, that is the hardest. Keep up the cardio, and GOOD LUCK with your diet.
NOTE:always keep a protien bar handy, when you are out of the house, if you are hungry outside you will tend to cheat on the low carb diet, keeping a protien bar with you will help you stay on diet.
This may not help but what I do to keep in shape is...
Run 6 miles everyday
Drink alot of water
Do about 2 hours of other excercize everyday*If you stay away from the kitchen, TV, and computer and go outside, it is pretty easy*
Well I hate to tell you this but I lost 25 pounds in 3 months by eating right and working out on a daily basis. I cut out all the carbs in my diet. No breads, rice, pasta or anything like that. I eat lots of fruits and veggies now. I am not saying this works for everyone but it does work for me. Also, you need to work out at least 5 days a week. Do lots of cardio. I am telling you, You will see a difference. I run 4 miles a day everyday and I spend 40 minutes weight training. Its working for me so far. I feel really good these days! I started at 210 pounds and I now weigh 185.
I started at 207 and am now at 170. I'm doing a modified South Beach diet. This took me 9 weeks.
You have two meal substitutes a day---A South Beach diet frozen dinner or a Lean Cuisine spa dinner (with whole wheat pasta or whole grain rice) they are in the light blue edged box. You can add a piece of fruit or a cup of non-starch veggies to thees. A sensible dinner of 6oz of lean beef, pork, chicken, turkey or fish, ( nothing fried) a half cup of whole wheat pasta or brown rice and two cups of non-starchy veggies. you can substitute a half of a baked sweet potato for the pasta or rice.
Also, three snacks a day. Two low fat cheese sticks, one fat-free sugar free yogurt or a pack of South beach whole wheat crackers or cookies.
You can also have a South Beach meal replacement bar instead of a frozen dinner if you want. I find thees helpful when I'm on the go.
Good luck!
OK. Many of my friends make fun of me for this. But you know those Richard Simmons exercise tapes. They work. I mean they really work.Sweatin' to the oldies and Disco sweat are my favorites. They are about an hour long. I do that at least 3 times a week. It is a stretch, exercise, cool down. Some of them have sit ups etc. The other thing is that i now have a real demanding job, climbing ladders, lifting heavy boxes, just moving around, so i have a little more workout to do almost everyday. As for my diet. I am doing something simple. I eat breakfast so i have energy. If you want starch, like spaghetti this is the meal to eat it at. For lunch i eat meat (hamburger, chicken, ham) whatever is available. along with a veggie medley. And for dinner i have my salad diet. Basically, some ice berg lettuce with 2 roma tomatoes, 2 carrots, peeled and coined, some onions, diced, 3-4 radishes sliced. And the wish bone spritzer things for the dressing. I love the Italian. And since this gets boring after a while, i go to the grocery store when i am hungry and whatever appeals to me in the veggies, i put it on the salad. Otherwise, i try some of Rachael Ray's salad recipes. So far in the last 3 and a half months, i have lost 23 lbs as of today. I don't want to tell you my weight sorry. Well i hope this helps. Good luck!
Hi , I want to ask you one question, that is are you getting balance nutrition. Answer is No, that's the reason you are overweight. Our Indian diets are with high fat, calories, sugar, salt and less of protein and fiber. That's the same thing with you. Nutrition play a very important role in weight management. If you are serious about losing weight and improving your health and well being, contact me at ehsan1@consultant.com or log on www.wellness.blogindia.com i am a personal wellness coach, i help people everyday to lose weight, gain energy or just well being
Don't BS me and tell me you ate right and exercised. Tell me exactly what you ate because obviously you did something very specific. Also, how much exercise, how intense, how often. How often did you eat, what did you restrict yourself to. What was your overall success--in 3 months and longer. Also what weight did you start at.
I lost 20 pounds in about 14 weeks.
-2 glasses of water on empty stomach
-breakfast 1 boiled egg with 1 low carb bread toast, with a little margarine, sometimes half an english muffin(whole grain), egg was always the constant, on week ends made my self an omelette(onions, tamatoes), without the toast. Probably two or three times in the total 3 months I ate a bran cereal, with very high fiber.
-Lunch Mostly salad with a protien, like chicken or fish
Sometimes I ate hummus, with low carb pita bread and a protien. or low spinach dip with low carb pita
-snack nuts like cashews or almonds, or a low carb yoghurt, and very somtimes an apple
-dinner whole grain bread, or low carb pita bread or roti with a protien curry or baked protien and some cheese
Generally I followed a very low carb routine, I rarely ate white rice or desert, or any sugar for 4 months.
Work out
3-5 miles daily on the treadmill for 6 days
2 times a week stretch yoga
2 times a week weight training
I was very consistent with the cardio workout, I skipped yoga somtimes, but never the cardio.
The low carb diet was very difficuly in the beginning, you will crave carbs like crazy, but do not give up in the first week, that is the hardest. Keep up the cardio, and GOOD LUCK with your diet.
NOTE:always keep a protien bar handy, when you are out of the house, if you are hungry outside you will tend to cheat on the low carb diet, keeping a protien bar with you will help you stay on diet.
This may not help but what I do to keep in shape is...
Run 6 miles everyday
Drink alot of water
Do about 2 hours of other excercize everyday*If you stay away from the kitchen, TV, and computer and go outside, it is pretty easy*
Well I hate to tell you this but I lost 25 pounds in 3 months by eating right and working out on a daily basis. I cut out all the carbs in my diet. No breads, rice, pasta or anything like that. I eat lots of fruits and veggies now. I am not saying this works for everyone but it does work for me. Also, you need to work out at least 5 days a week. Do lots of cardio. I am telling you, You will see a difference. I run 4 miles a day everyday and I spend 40 minutes weight training. Its working for me so far. I feel really good these days! I started at 210 pounds and I now weigh 185.
I started at 207 and am now at 170. I'm doing a modified South Beach diet. This took me 9 weeks.
You have two meal substitutes a day---A South Beach diet frozen dinner or a Lean Cuisine spa dinner (with whole wheat pasta or whole grain rice) they are in the light blue edged box. You can add a piece of fruit or a cup of non-starch veggies to thees. A sensible dinner of 6oz of lean beef, pork, chicken, turkey or fish, ( nothing fried) a half cup of whole wheat pasta or brown rice and two cups of non-starchy veggies. you can substitute a half of a baked sweet potato for the pasta or rice.
Also, three snacks a day. Two low fat cheese sticks, one fat-free sugar free yogurt or a pack of South beach whole wheat crackers or cookies.
You can also have a South Beach meal replacement bar instead of a frozen dinner if you want. I find thees helpful when I'm on the go.
Good luck!
OK. Many of my friends make fun of me for this. But you know those Richard Simmons exercise tapes. They work. I mean they really work.Sweatin' to the oldies and Disco sweat are my favorites. They are about an hour long. I do that at least 3 times a week. It is a stretch, exercise, cool down. Some of them have sit ups etc. The other thing is that i now have a real demanding job, climbing ladders, lifting heavy boxes, just moving around, so i have a little more workout to do almost everyday. As for my diet. I am doing something simple. I eat breakfast so i have energy. If you want starch, like spaghetti this is the meal to eat it at. For lunch i eat meat (hamburger, chicken, ham) whatever is available. along with a veggie medley. And for dinner i have my salad diet. Basically, some ice berg lettuce with 2 roma tomatoes, 2 carrots, peeled and coined, some onions, diced, 3-4 radishes sliced. And the wish bone spritzer things for the dressing. I love the Italian. And since this gets boring after a while, i go to the grocery store when i am hungry and whatever appeals to me in the veggies, i put it on the salad. Otherwise, i try some of Rachael Ray's salad recipes. So far in the last 3 and a half months, i have lost 23 lbs as of today. I don't want to tell you my weight sorry. Well i hope this helps. Good luck!
Hi , I want to ask you one question, that is are you getting balance nutrition. Answer is No, that's the reason you are overweight. Our Indian diets are with high fat, calories, sugar, salt and less of protein and fiber. That's the same thing with you. Nutrition play a very important role in weight management. If you are serious about losing weight and improving your health and well being, contact me at ehsan1@consultant.com or log on www.wellness.blogindia.com i am a personal wellness coach, i help people everyday to lose weight, gain energy or just well being
Has anyone here tried an alkaline diet? How well does it work?
How did you feel at first? what did you experience while eating alkaline based foods. More insight the better, I appreciate the feedback, thanks you guys..
It's a good diet for anyone who is too high on fat. You need to watch this diet carefully as too much acid (from alkaline) can be harmful you. Read my source for more info if you are interested.
It's a good diet for anyone who is too high on fat. You need to watch this diet carefully as too much acid (from alkaline) can be harmful you. Read my source for more info if you are interested.
Has anyone heard/or tried the vitamiin b12 and lipo injections to loose weight? do you think it works?
i was wondering if anyone has tried this or have friends that have cause a couple of my friends have said it works for them?
Not personally but hear that work, but those are expensive and with high risk of bounce back unless you exercise and diet.
Scam. No evidence that those things work at all.
Not personally but hear that work, but those are expensive and with high risk of bounce back unless you exercise and diet.
Scam. No evidence that those things work at all.
Has anyone heard of the 20 pounds in 30 days diet? I caught a little on an ad on TV.?
It was something about a liquid diet, giving your digestive tract a rest. Fresh fruit and vegtables. Any information would be helpful. Thanks
Violet Pearl, they way people eat NOW is not the way people at for 'thousands of years'
thousands of years ago food wasnt full of hormones, pesticides and chemicals, the human body is not meant to absorb all of the stuff it does nowadays and yes because of that, the digestive tract does need a rest...and if u want to look into history, juice/liquid/water fasts have been around FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS examples are monks, native indians, buddhists etcetera...which have all been around longer than the three meals a day routine so yes, liquid diets are fine in moderation but again u should only attempt something like this when u are in touch with ur body and can decipher its signals...ie if ur not feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and energized than u are not eating what is right for your bodyfor example, some people cant function without meat, i cant function with it...i thrive on fruits and vegetables, i feel bloated, heavy, lethargic when i eat heavy meals such as meat and potatoes or even just chicken...my body craves as natural and light as possible, i react to any processed foods and agricultural byproducts like breads and pastasnow on the other hand, my boyfrined cannot function without heavy carbs and meat, you have to LISTEN TO UR OWN BODY...a fast is meant to enlighten you, to bring u in touch withi ur body, u should feel rejuvinated, energized...if ur lethargic and cant function or feel terrible (after the first few days, u will normally feel under the weather for the first one or two days while ur body cleanses depending on how long u have ate crap for), then quit the fast and resume normal healthy eating habitsdocument how u feel after each food u eat, u will start to see a cycle, stick to the ones ur body is asking for by feelnig good when it gets it, it doesnt have to be hard, confusing or complicated, ur body is smarter than u give it credit forso under normal healthy circumstnaces, when u have no health concerns such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, etc...then try it, it can truly be an amazing thing...its all in ur willpower and mindset
it's more like losing 8 pounds of water, 8 pounds of muscle and 4 pounds of fat - you will be worse off than when you started - losing 1-2 pounds per week insures that most of the weight loss comes from fat
Yeah, doesn't sound very healthy when you're losing a lot of muscle =O
Lot of such ads.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
The best way to diet is to watch your fat intake, control your portions (eat a little less) and excercise more.
LOL that's hilarious! People have been eating 3 meals a day for thousands of years, and suddenly we need to give our digestive tracts a rest? LOL
Violet Pearl, they way people eat NOW is not the way people at for 'thousands of years'
thousands of years ago food wasnt full of hormones, pesticides and chemicals, the human body is not meant to absorb all of the stuff it does nowadays and yes because of that, the digestive tract does need a rest...and if u want to look into history, juice/liquid/water fasts have been around FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS examples are monks, native indians, buddhists etcetera...which have all been around longer than the three meals a day routine so yes, liquid diets are fine in moderation but again u should only attempt something like this when u are in touch with ur body and can decipher its signals...ie if ur not feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and energized than u are not eating what is right for your bodyfor example, some people cant function without meat, i cant function with it...i thrive on fruits and vegetables, i feel bloated, heavy, lethargic when i eat heavy meals such as meat and potatoes or even just chicken...my body craves as natural and light as possible, i react to any processed foods and agricultural byproducts like breads and pastasnow on the other hand, my boyfrined cannot function without heavy carbs and meat, you have to LISTEN TO UR OWN BODY...a fast is meant to enlighten you, to bring u in touch withi ur body, u should feel rejuvinated, energized...if ur lethargic and cant function or feel terrible (after the first few days, u will normally feel under the weather for the first one or two days while ur body cleanses depending on how long u have ate crap for), then quit the fast and resume normal healthy eating habitsdocument how u feel after each food u eat, u will start to see a cycle, stick to the ones ur body is asking for by feelnig good when it gets it, it doesnt have to be hard, confusing or complicated, ur body is smarter than u give it credit forso under normal healthy circumstnaces, when u have no health concerns such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, etc...then try it, it can truly be an amazing thing...its all in ur willpower and mindset
it's more like losing 8 pounds of water, 8 pounds of muscle and 4 pounds of fat - you will be worse off than when you started - losing 1-2 pounds per week insures that most of the weight loss comes from fat
Yeah, doesn't sound very healthy when you're losing a lot of muscle =O
Lot of such ads.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
The best way to diet is to watch your fat intake, control your portions (eat a little less) and excercise more.
LOL that's hilarious! People have been eating 3 meals a day for thousands of years, and suddenly we need to give our digestive tracts a rest? LOL
Has anyone heard of or drink vitamin water with any regularity?
I bought and tried vitamin water for the first time today. Kroger had a sale and I figured, why not. But after reading the ingredients, I was a bit astonished to find out that it is made with what is known as deionized water, distilled, or water purified by reverse osmosis. Now, I've always had the understanding that one should not drink water purified by the method of reverse osmosis because of the absence of minerals [or basically anything else] and how it could leach minerals out of your body by the opposite process used to "purify" the water. My actual question is, aside from vitamins [mostly B vitamins] being put into this water along with sugar, fruit juices, and preservatives, is it safe to drink this stuff?
I don't think it would be detrimental to your health to drink it sometimes, as long as you aren't going overboard with it (like don't use this as a substitute for regular water, you still need plain water). The only thing that I would be nervous about is getting too MANY vitamins, you know?
I don't like the fact that they call it Vitamin WATER. Water is not translucent, it isn't colored, and it doesn't have calories, you know? Vitamin water has over 100 calories per bottle, and its sweetened with fructose which isn't bad if you consider it a soft drink, but if you consider it water, then its not that good.
Everything is ok in moderation. You most likely won't have any problems with the lack of minerals unless you're drinking bottle after bottle of it every single day..
I don't think it would be detrimental to your health to drink it sometimes, as long as you aren't going overboard with it (like don't use this as a substitute for regular water, you still need plain water). The only thing that I would be nervous about is getting too MANY vitamins, you know?
I don't like the fact that they call it Vitamin WATER. Water is not translucent, it isn't colored, and it doesn't have calories, you know? Vitamin water has over 100 calories per bottle, and its sweetened with fructose which isn't bad if you consider it a soft drink, but if you consider it water, then its not that good.
Everything is ok in moderation. You most likely won't have any problems with the lack of minerals unless you're drinking bottle after bottle of it every single day..
Has anyone hear tried Hoodia for wieght loss ?
How did it work for you ?
I tried 100% Hoodia and it has worked for me! (And with no side effects!)
Check with your doctor before starting any weight loss program.The problem w/Hoodia is 90%+ are scams. The real Hoodia is expensive and only the one imported from S.Africa has been shown to work. Many people go for the low cost scam Hoodia and have no results!
Make sure you don鈥檛 get ripped off with these tips鈥?#1. Be sure you are buying pure Hoodia...look for the import certificate on the website. No matter the price, if they do not display this, you really do NOT know what you are getting!#2. Be sure it is 100% Hoodia %26 not mixed w/other herbs, etc.!!#3. Keep in mind it stops your hunger pangs鈥ou MUST remember to break your habit to always eat at certain times.#4. Drink a full 8oz. glass of water with it!Hoodia (HOOD-ee-uh) gordonii - A genus of 10 to 20 species from southwestern Africa.
Hoodia gordonii is the stoneage wonder plant found throughout the dry arid regions of the South western African continent now on the verge of making history in the fight against obesity. It is a genus belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family which consists of approximately 20 species. Used to stop hunger, quench thirst, and provide energy among other things since prehistoric times, Hoodia gordonii was first discovered by the San tribesmen and women to get through the most difficult of times. You can read a good article about how it works at:http://www.hoodia-diets.info/hoodia-diet...
I tried the Hoodia patches a couple years ago, and no they did not work. I have since lost a total of 75lbs since the birth of my son through diet and exercise.
I tried 100% Hoodia and it has worked for me! (And with no side effects!)
Check with your doctor before starting any weight loss program.The problem w/Hoodia is 90%+ are scams. The real Hoodia is expensive and only the one imported from S.Africa has been shown to work. Many people go for the low cost scam Hoodia and have no results!
Make sure you don鈥檛 get ripped off with these tips鈥?#1. Be sure you are buying pure Hoodia...look for the import certificate on the website. No matter the price, if they do not display this, you really do NOT know what you are getting!#2. Be sure it is 100% Hoodia %26 not mixed w/other herbs, etc.!!#3. Keep in mind it stops your hunger pangs鈥ou MUST remember to break your habit to always eat at certain times.#4. Drink a full 8oz. glass of water with it!Hoodia (HOOD-ee-uh) gordonii - A genus of 10 to 20 species from southwestern Africa.
Hoodia gordonii is the stoneage wonder plant found throughout the dry arid regions of the South western African continent now on the verge of making history in the fight against obesity. It is a genus belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family which consists of approximately 20 species. Used to stop hunger, quench thirst, and provide energy among other things since prehistoric times, Hoodia gordonii was first discovered by the San tribesmen and women to get through the most difficult of times. You can read a good article about how it works at:http://www.hoodia-diets.info/hoodia-diet...
I tried the Hoodia patches a couple years ago, and no they did not work. I have since lost a total of 75lbs since the birth of my son through diet and exercise.
Has anyone had successful weight loss using diet pills and doing the South Beach Diet simultaneously?
I began doing the Second phase of the SBD and taking the diet pill Xenadrine EFX on July 1. As of today, July 7, I've dropped approx. 3 lbs. I am also walking for 30 minutes a day 3 days a week.
I was just wondering if anyone has tried losing weight in this manner and if it was successful for them. Was the weight loss more rapid?My goal is to 15 - 20 lbs by the end of summer.
Honestly, that doesn't sound like such a great idea. Doing both at the same time. Loosing too much weight at one time [especially by pills] is not good for your body. I would suggest just one or the other. [the SBD sounds like a healthier option]
I was just wondering if anyone has tried losing weight in this manner and if it was successful for them. Was the weight loss more rapid?My goal is to 15 - 20 lbs by the end of summer.
Honestly, that doesn't sound like such a great idea. Doing both at the same time. Loosing too much weight at one time [especially by pills] is not good for your body. I would suggest just one or the other. [the SBD sounds like a healthier option]
Has anyone had success with the diet pill alli?
No pills unless indicated by medical opinion.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
I know you hear this alot but it is true.. Diet pills do not work. They may suppress your appetite for a short time but they just do not work. I tried using Lipo 6 and some others and I did not achieve any of my weight loss goals using them. Diet and exercise have helped me loose weight. I would stay away from the pills. They don't work and can be rather expensive.
Has anyone had luck losing weight this way?
I saw a documentary where this woman said she lost over 100 pounds by simply changing the timing of her meals. She ate most of her calories before 1pm and stopped eating altogether by 5. Does this really make a difference you think? Anyone try this?
I know your body digests food better when it's eaten in the morning. And I also know night snacks are most of the reason people gain weight.I try to finish eating before 6 (including dinner) and I usually lose 1 1/2 pounds a week rather than just 1 a week (eating after 6). I guess it does work, something to do with the digestive system.However, I would spread your calories out more because if you eat too much in the morning you may be tempted to eat more in the afternoon. Here's how I try to spread mine out.10AM - Breakfast, 300 - 400 calories
12PM - Snack, 30 - 200 calories
2:30PM - Lunch, 300 - 500 calories
4PM - Snack, 30 - 100 calories
5:30PM - Dinner, 400 - 600 caloriesThat way your calorie intake is more balanced throughout the day.
i never tried this but on paper it will work. If you stop eating at 5pm you will not be digesting when you sleep and if you continue to eat small meals your metabolism should keep steady.
Jeffy is quite right; it's best not to eat 3-5 hours before you head off to bed. My friend changed her eating time as well, except that she only eats every 5 hours with no snack in between. She followed the SureSlim programme and it really worked for her and she was eating real food too!
I lost 70 pounds eating 5 meals a day. Sometimes I would even eat a full dinner at 8;00 at night. It all depended how my meals spaced out during the day. I also had 60% carbs, but I worked out 3-5 days a week along with cardio. It was not an easy work out as I had a personal trainer worth every dollar I paid him. I was in the best shape of my life, never hungry because I ate all the time. Calories in, calories out. If you starve your body your body begins to store food to eat off so not eating after 5:00 until the next day is probably not a good idea as it will slow down your metabolism. Eating more frequent will speed it up and pretty soon you'll be able to eat things you never did before. You need exercise, cardio, diet, and rest and sleep. All 4 wheels to be successful and remain successful.Good luck!
Was that the documentary where she eats her supper in the morning? Like, literally, chicken and salad, etc. --- at 6am?
... Coz that was a gooder.
I know your body digests food better when it's eaten in the morning. And I also know night snacks are most of the reason people gain weight.I try to finish eating before 6 (including dinner) and I usually lose 1 1/2 pounds a week rather than just 1 a week (eating after 6). I guess it does work, something to do with the digestive system.However, I would spread your calories out more because if you eat too much in the morning you may be tempted to eat more in the afternoon. Here's how I try to spread mine out.10AM - Breakfast, 300 - 400 calories
12PM - Snack, 30 - 200 calories
2:30PM - Lunch, 300 - 500 calories
4PM - Snack, 30 - 100 calories
5:30PM - Dinner, 400 - 600 caloriesThat way your calorie intake is more balanced throughout the day.
i never tried this but on paper it will work. If you stop eating at 5pm you will not be digesting when you sleep and if you continue to eat small meals your metabolism should keep steady.
Jeffy is quite right; it's best not to eat 3-5 hours before you head off to bed. My friend changed her eating time as well, except that she only eats every 5 hours with no snack in between. She followed the SureSlim programme and it really worked for her and she was eating real food too!
I lost 70 pounds eating 5 meals a day. Sometimes I would even eat a full dinner at 8;00 at night. It all depended how my meals spaced out during the day. I also had 60% carbs, but I worked out 3-5 days a week along with cardio. It was not an easy work out as I had a personal trainer worth every dollar I paid him. I was in the best shape of my life, never hungry because I ate all the time. Calories in, calories out. If you starve your body your body begins to store food to eat off so not eating after 5:00 until the next day is probably not a good idea as it will slow down your metabolism. Eating more frequent will speed it up and pretty soon you'll be able to eat things you never did before. You need exercise, cardio, diet, and rest and sleep. All 4 wheels to be successful and remain successful.Good luck!
Was that the documentary where she eats her supper in the morning? Like, literally, chicken and salad, etc. --- at 6am?
... Coz that was a gooder.
Has anyone had any success with the Turbojam workout that I keep seeing on tv?
I had a friend who tried this and says she thinks its great - has anyone tried this and lost weight? I use The Firm workouts but have become bored with them. I am wondering if it is worth buying and what I can expect if I use it 5 days a week.
i bought turbo jam. i have all 5 workouts. it all depends what you like. i get bored to easily with them. cardio party is 45minutes long and its non stop. i liked it for about 2 weeks and got bored with it. turbo sculpt is working with weights and is really boring. learn and burn teaches u all the moves. u do that about once. and the 20minute workout is basically the cardio party but shorter time. i do it everyday. same with ab jam which is 20minutes, works your abs really good. it all depends on what workout activites you like.
Turbo Jam is made by beachbody fitness and I bought the power 90 program by the same company. I really enjoy the program and 2 1/2 weeks in Im already down 4 lbs and see more def. in my arms and shoulders. Im doing my own diet plan but the routines are great. I would recommend products by beachbody based on the power 90 program.
i bought turbo jam. i have all 5 workouts. it all depends what you like. i get bored to easily with them. cardio party is 45minutes long and its non stop. i liked it for about 2 weeks and got bored with it. turbo sculpt is working with weights and is really boring. learn and burn teaches u all the moves. u do that about once. and the 20minute workout is basically the cardio party but shorter time. i do it everyday. same with ab jam which is 20minutes, works your abs really good. it all depends on what workout activites you like.
Turbo Jam is made by beachbody fitness and I bought the power 90 program by the same company. I really enjoy the program and 2 1/2 weeks in Im already down 4 lbs and see more def. in my arms and shoulders. Im doing my own diet plan but the routines are great. I would recommend products by beachbody based on the power 90 program.
Has anyone had any side effects from the new weight loss drug Alli?
Yes. I haven't used it, but people are talk about having all of the side effects listed for it. Guess that's why they list them; to tell you what the side effects might be. Crazy concept I know. Have fun pooping your brains out!Oh, hope you lose a couple pounds too.Try eating healthy and exercising instead. Works 100x better with none of the side effects. Oops, there are a couple . . . . feeling better, having more energy, losing weight. . . . .
what is your side effects? if its going to the potty alot. well they tell you that will happen if you eat to much fat.
One I know is gas and an oily discharge, which is soo gross.
I was reading the package MYSELF the other night before all the hoopla today all over the news, apparently. It said " May cause greasy anal discharge" Not too mention if you eat too much trans fat, or pretty much fat in general, you do have to use the batheroom alot. BUT, MANY MANY diet pills also claim to have these as side effects. Alli is pretty much over the counter Zenecal. It is supposed to be used WITH diet and excercise. I don't know if i would try it, but hey if you are sick of being overweight, or it is becominga health issue, a little anal leakage compared to dying is a heck of a better side effect.
I had a lot of flatulence and cramping and really light colored stools. (Which means your body's not absorbing the nutrients.) My friend's bowel movements were greasy orange, which was probably the fat passing right through her. Another friend had bad diarrhea and did leak out one time. I quit after a week.
Has anyone had any side effects from the new weight loss drug Alli?
I have heard there are quite a few. They say to bring a change of clothes with you because you may not be able to control your bowels, yuck. I have also heard of people who have had bowel movements of grease (like what you have on top of a pizza). Definitely things to consider before using...however I hear that many of these side effects do not happen if you eat the recommended calories.
Has anyone got any tips to grow taller?
I am 17 and currently 5ft8, I want to at least reach 6ft. Has anyone got any tips. I will really appreciate the answers
Normally at your age you will still grow a few inches higher depending on your lyfestyle, eating habits, sleeping habits, and your desire to really become taller. In the market there are a lot of preparations or concoctions being advertised in the TV home shoping network. Some are concoctions of herbs, others are foot sensitizers on nerves connected to pituatary glands or the growth hormones that generate cell growth thus increasing height. However this claims of amazing increase in height is not in fact validated by science and would be still be tested in the labarotories to to prove its effectiveness in man. To date calcium seems to be the only chemical element that do enhance height growth, so the more calcium you take the greater chances that you become taller. Let me share to you a personal experience. I was 5'9" at 46 years old, I tried bending and streching exercises just for the purpose of exercising, to my amazement when I tried measuring my height after just a few days of doing it, I became taller by 1.25 inches! So it could be assumed that since youre much younger and youre bones are more flexible you have the greater chance of getting taller than I am whose bones are less flexible. Complement this with high calcium milk plus more time to sleep in order for your spine and bones to have rest or relieve the pressure of gravity to your spine while standing up. My son was only 5 ft at age 16 and seems will not grow taller but amazingly through this regimen I shared to you, he became taller by 9 inches!. Hes now 21 and still gowing.
eat all your greens and get out and play some form of sport
iam 6ft 4"..its great
You can do pull-ups, or you can stretch your legs and arms, and that will make you grow taller, and increase flexability. also drink milk.
I've heard that a lot of calcium can help...drinking more milk?
swiming is good from a bar 1 minute a day it really works
Eat food with lots of protein eg: eggs, meat and drink lots of milk.
think yourself lucky son I'm only 5.4 and I'm 63 lol nothing will make you taller only nature can do that
If you are eating a balanced diet and getting all your calcium there is not much you can do. It's genetics my friend. Any other theory would have a minimal impact at best.
My sister is 19 and she's shorter than you o_0Being short rocks! But if you really want to be taller, then drink milk for healthier bones. Bones are what makes you taller, so keep em healthy
stand in a bag of compost in a greenhouse.drink baby bio(only joking)
im 13 and i am that tall, wow ur shortdo u have pubs
hi im 6"5 and its no fun! nothing fits and the rain gets to you first ,but i also pull the girls mainly in their 60s though
Be patient - boys don't stop growing until they're 21(ish), so you may yet have another spurt or two. Otherwise, if I could trade you a couple of inches I would.
you are perfect
platform shoes
In anceint times, they thought the rack was a good idea!
You could try standing in compost. Only joking the only thing I know that stunts your growth is smoking - so if you do you'd better give up.
Okay well what i try to do is :
Do exercise (Stretching exercises, jumping (basketball))
Drink lots of milk ( has calcium)
Eat lots of protein (chicken, etc)
Eat healthily
Drink lots of water
It might just be in your genes for you to stop growing though
Angie x X x
its genetics
Try eating sunflower seeds !!
Normally at your age you will still grow a few inches higher depending on your lyfestyle, eating habits, sleeping habits, and your desire to really become taller. In the market there are a lot of preparations or concoctions being advertised in the TV home shoping network. Some are concoctions of herbs, others are foot sensitizers on nerves connected to pituatary glands or the growth hormones that generate cell growth thus increasing height. However this claims of amazing increase in height is not in fact validated by science and would be still be tested in the labarotories to to prove its effectiveness in man. To date calcium seems to be the only chemical element that do enhance height growth, so the more calcium you take the greater chances that you become taller. Let me share to you a personal experience. I was 5'9" at 46 years old, I tried bending and streching exercises just for the purpose of exercising, to my amazement when I tried measuring my height after just a few days of doing it, I became taller by 1.25 inches! So it could be assumed that since youre much younger and youre bones are more flexible you have the greater chance of getting taller than I am whose bones are less flexible. Complement this with high calcium milk plus more time to sleep in order for your spine and bones to have rest or relieve the pressure of gravity to your spine while standing up. My son was only 5 ft at age 16 and seems will not grow taller but amazingly through this regimen I shared to you, he became taller by 9 inches!. Hes now 21 and still gowing.
eat all your greens and get out and play some form of sport
iam 6ft 4"..its great
You can do pull-ups, or you can stretch your legs and arms, and that will make you grow taller, and increase flexability. also drink milk.
I've heard that a lot of calcium can help...drinking more milk?
swiming is good from a bar 1 minute a day it really works
Eat food with lots of protein eg: eggs, meat and drink lots of milk.
think yourself lucky son I'm only 5.4 and I'm 63 lol nothing will make you taller only nature can do that
If you are eating a balanced diet and getting all your calcium there is not much you can do. It's genetics my friend. Any other theory would have a minimal impact at best.
My sister is 19 and she's shorter than you o_0Being short rocks! But if you really want to be taller, then drink milk for healthier bones. Bones are what makes you taller, so keep em healthy
stand in a bag of compost in a greenhouse.drink baby bio(only joking)
im 13 and i am that tall, wow ur shortdo u have pubs
hi im 6"5 and its no fun! nothing fits and the rain gets to you first ,but i also pull the girls mainly in their 60s though
Be patient - boys don't stop growing until they're 21(ish), so you may yet have another spurt or two. Otherwise, if I could trade you a couple of inches I would.
you are perfect
platform shoes
In anceint times, they thought the rack was a good idea!
You could try standing in compost. Only joking the only thing I know that stunts your growth is smoking - so if you do you'd better give up.
Okay well what i try to do is :
Do exercise (Stretching exercises, jumping (basketball))
Drink lots of milk ( has calcium)
Eat lots of protein (chicken, etc)
Eat healthily
Drink lots of water
It might just be in your genes for you to stop growing though
Angie x X x
its genetics
Try eating sunflower seeds !!
Has anyone fasted on diet shakes such as isagenix?
I have a month supply but am wondering how much would I lose on it am now 175 and my height is 5'10 and am 19.
A nurse that works with me has tried the slim fast shakes and she told me it worked for her. But who's to say everyone is different so what might work for her, might not work for you or I. I am still gonna try it if I don't do my meat fast. So if you decide to do a shake diet keep in touch with me and let me know how it went, I'll let you know how mines went, GOOD LUCK!
dont do it
its bad
I did do the isagenix cleanse - i lost 15 lbs in about 3 weeks - and I did keep it off for quite some time but when you start to eat regularly the weight comes back. slowly but it does...i think that isagenix is healthy as far as cleanses go but the best way to loose weight is eating right and excersize.
I have done several types of shake diets. Do not even torture yourself with this crap. Bad for your health, and you will gain all the weight back anyway.Those types of diets are proven to not work. You will be 175 again before you can say, "these shakes taste like BEEEEEEEEP."
My mum did one of those diet shakes thing... and after a month when she came off it, she was so, very sick. She couldn't keep solid food down! Apparently going from a liquid diet to solids again is really hard on the system. She also had...errr... a rather bad case of the runs as well.And thank you, BTW, for bringing up unpleasant images that will keep the therapist I will now hire happily funded for the next few years! :)
I have been using Isagenix for almost 2 years.
It is not a fast. When you have the shakes, you are meant to replace 2 meals and eat one regular meal.Please do not only have shakes for a month.
If you follow the 30 day program, you will lose inches and pounds for sure.
Do you have a program guide? Please get in touch with the person who you bought it from so you can follow the program the way it is designed.
There is also info and instructions on the websites
A nurse that works with me has tried the slim fast shakes and she told me it worked for her. But who's to say everyone is different so what might work for her, might not work for you or I. I am still gonna try it if I don't do my meat fast. So if you decide to do a shake diet keep in touch with me and let me know how it went, I'll let you know how mines went, GOOD LUCK!
dont do it
its bad
I did do the isagenix cleanse - i lost 15 lbs in about 3 weeks - and I did keep it off for quite some time but when you start to eat regularly the weight comes back. slowly but it does...i think that isagenix is healthy as far as cleanses go but the best way to loose weight is eating right and excersize.
I have done several types of shake diets. Do not even torture yourself with this crap. Bad for your health, and you will gain all the weight back anyway.Those types of diets are proven to not work. You will be 175 again before you can say, "these shakes taste like BEEEEEEEEP."
My mum did one of those diet shakes thing... and after a month when she came off it, she was so, very sick. She couldn't keep solid food down! Apparently going from a liquid diet to solids again is really hard on the system. She also had...errr... a rather bad case of the runs as well.And thank you, BTW, for bringing up unpleasant images that will keep the therapist I will now hire happily funded for the next few years! :)
I have been using Isagenix for almost 2 years.
It is not a fast. When you have the shakes, you are meant to replace 2 meals and eat one regular meal.Please do not only have shakes for a month.
If you follow the 30 day program, you will lose inches and pounds for sure.
Do you have a program guide? Please get in touch with the person who you bought it from so you can follow the program the way it is designed.
There is also info and instructions on the websites
Has anyone ever used Isagenix cleansing diet?
I am getting ready to start this cleansing diet and I was wondering if this is the best company to buy products through or what experiences people have had with this diet. Any advice?
Isagenix is a good company to buy products from. All there products are safe and natural. Isagenix offers a 30-day cleanse and a 9-day cleanse to lose weight.Cleansing works by releasing the toxins found in your fat cells when you release these toxins from cleansing you lose weight. Simple as that. For more information on Isagenix go to links at bottom of page.
My fingernails fell out after using Isagenix.
You will love it! It takes some getting used to, but is sooo worth it! Not only have I lost weight, but my energy is up and I sleep better too. There are many benefits.
It is a simple program to follow, but not always easy. Stay strong!
Lots of info on the website too!bardays.isagenix.comPS
Have lots and lots of water!!
I've been using the product since April 2006 and Love It!
I've eliminated 40 pounds and even more inches have great energy and am healthier than ever before. I'd be happy to share with you more details of my expereince as well as assist you in getting your questions answered.
Just send me an e-mail.
Isagenix is a good company to buy products from. All there products are safe and natural. Isagenix offers a 30-day cleanse and a 9-day cleanse to lose weight.Cleansing works by releasing the toxins found in your fat cells when you release these toxins from cleansing you lose weight. Simple as that. For more information on Isagenix go to links at bottom of page.
My fingernails fell out after using Isagenix.
You will love it! It takes some getting used to, but is sooo worth it! Not only have I lost weight, but my energy is up and I sleep better too. There are many benefits.
It is a simple program to follow, but not always easy. Stay strong!
Lots of info on the website too!bardays.isagenix.comPS
Have lots and lots of water!!
I've been using the product since April 2006 and Love It!
I've eliminated 40 pounds and even more inches have great energy and am healthier than ever before. I'd be happy to share with you more details of my expereince as well as assist you in getting your questions answered.
Just send me an e-mail.
Has anyone ever used Hoodiya diet tablets before? Are they just an appetite suppressant or do they help..?
you lose actual weight??
They are just an appetite suppressant. They did make me not think about food but I gave up after a while as they didn't seem to be put off it that much. My friend did it at the same time and she rated them more than me so I think you need to try for yourself as they are different for different people.
to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and diet pills and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time it tones your tummy and all your body up wonderful too ! i lost just over 2 1/2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question goodluck !
no i havent personally the onlyl way you can lose weight is to follow a sensible diet and eat sensible food drink pmenty of water something i need to do which id dont do but you must get pplenty of exercise and go to gym be more active use the supplressants by all means but the advice i have just given you weill work it takes committment pills are an added extra to help you can add it to this regime if you like
They are just an appetite suppressant. They did make me not think about food but I gave up after a while as they didn't seem to be put off it that much. My friend did it at the same time and she rated them more than me so I think you need to try for yourself as they are different for different people.
to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and diet pills and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time it tones your tummy and all your body up wonderful too ! i lost just over 2 1/2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question goodluck !
no i havent personally the onlyl way you can lose weight is to follow a sensible diet and eat sensible food drink pmenty of water something i need to do which id dont do but you must get pplenty of exercise and go to gym be more active use the supplressants by all means but the advice i have just given you weill work it takes committment pills are an added extra to help you can add it to this regime if you like
Has anyone ever used Adipex, what do you think? How do I get some?
No but no pills w/o prescription.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
yes...online at 247phentermine.com. 90 capsules for $110.
detox diet is the best diet to loose weight at home without exercising..it helps u to lose 5 lbs appox in 2 weeks time by just changing ur eating habbits..
the best place to find detox diet recipes and tips to loose weight
Has anyone ever used a personal trainer? If so what can I expect?
Theres a personal trainer in my community gym and im thinking of using her, but what can i expect? what kind of dietary changes as well?
Some personal trainers will help you with diet, some will not. Mostly what personal trainers do is help you come up with a workout routine and show you the correct form for doing exercises. They should explain what parts of your body each exercise will work and help you if the weights get too heavy mid-set. They may help you do "forced reps" where they have you lift a weight that is too heavy, but they help you push the load. They should definitely encourage you to do your best and work hard. Once you know how to do the exercises, you are better off finding a training partner, because personal trainers are very expensive, especially if you use one from a gym. You might be able to find a private trainer who will charge less.
if she's good she'll show you how to do the exercises correctly, explain the importance of your diet (which will mean changes dependent on where you are now and where you want to be) and basically try and make things as clear and easy as possible to help you out.
I don't recommend using one. It depends on your goals. If it is lose weight: simply exercise for a minimum of 35 minutes, getting your heart rate to 150 beats per minutes.In everyday speak, this means, run about 7km everyday, or swim for 45 minutes everyday without stopping.If you want one to teach you how to do weight lifting (for safety reasons) then you definitely need one, because when you are doing olypmic squats, bench press (look these up on the net - they are weightlifting exercises). If you don't do them right you can seriously injure your back.So if you are using a PT to lose weight: don't get one (all the info you need is on the net). If it is for weight lifting: I hihgly recommend you get one.Either way, make sure you make your goals clear to the PT. I"m just trying to save you a little money.
My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website
http://www.hawkeyep.info , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!
I have, if you can afford one, they are great. They
tell you what to eat,and what to stay away from, then
work with you in the gym or health club on specific
exercises that are good for the parts of your body
that need to get toned faster than other spots. They
do general exercises for complete body toning. They
are very enthusiastic and make you feel like it is fun
to do your work out. Karel
Some personal trainers will help you with diet, some will not. Mostly what personal trainers do is help you come up with a workout routine and show you the correct form for doing exercises. They should explain what parts of your body each exercise will work and help you if the weights get too heavy mid-set. They may help you do "forced reps" where they have you lift a weight that is too heavy, but they help you push the load. They should definitely encourage you to do your best and work hard. Once you know how to do the exercises, you are better off finding a training partner, because personal trainers are very expensive, especially if you use one from a gym. You might be able to find a private trainer who will charge less.
if she's good she'll show you how to do the exercises correctly, explain the importance of your diet (which will mean changes dependent on where you are now and where you want to be) and basically try and make things as clear and easy as possible to help you out.
I don't recommend using one. It depends on your goals. If it is lose weight: simply exercise for a minimum of 35 minutes, getting your heart rate to 150 beats per minutes.In everyday speak, this means, run about 7km everyday, or swim for 45 minutes everyday without stopping.If you want one to teach you how to do weight lifting (for safety reasons) then you definitely need one, because when you are doing olypmic squats, bench press (look these up on the net - they are weightlifting exercises). If you don't do them right you can seriously injure your back.So if you are using a PT to lose weight: don't get one (all the info you need is on the net). If it is for weight lifting: I hihgly recommend you get one.Either way, make sure you make your goals clear to the PT. I"m just trying to save you a little money.
My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website
http://www.hawkeyep.info , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!
I have, if you can afford one, they are great. They
tell you what to eat,and what to stay away from, then
work with you in the gym or health club on specific
exercises that are good for the parts of your body
that need to get toned faster than other spots. They
do general exercises for complete body toning. They
are very enthusiastic and make you feel like it is fun
to do your work out. Karel
Has anyone ever tried zantrez-3 how fast did you get results any side-effects?
please don't use zantrez-3,it has side-effects.
go to this site, http://weightloss.gopaste.com
you can find the weight loss pill review.
Has anyone ever tried Shapely Secrets?
my mom is trying to loose weight before we go to a wedding and i saw this on tv and was wondering if it actually worked
not very well. of course every advertiesment you see on tv is extremely exaggerated in their benefit. just remember that!
not very well. of course every advertiesment you see on tv is extremely exaggerated in their benefit. just remember that!
Has anyone ever tried losing weight on a water diet?
and if so please tell me the details.
you shouldnt even try it is very dangerous for your body to just intake water there are a lot of other diets you can try the cabbage diet you make cabbage soup carrots potatoes cabbage celery onion any other veggies you want and you cook it it works great cut back on the pop and you shoudl be ok good luck
Diets don't work unless you stay on them forever! Right after you discontinue a diet you will gain the weight back. Get off your lazy butt and exercise!
What's that mean? Nothing but water? For how long? Anyone who tried losing weight by just drinking water for any real length of time is not still alive to talk to you about it.
Not recommended, at most you will lose muscle. You need to have a balanced diet couple with enough activity (exercise) to create a negative caloric balance thus inducing weight loss. A water diet will not provide you with proper nutrients and will most likely leave you feeling bloated, hungry, and miserable.
that doesnt sound healthy,
but yes, you will lose weight. but afterwards you'll just gain all the weight back that you lost. your best bet is to do it the healthy way, its sooo much easier and keeps the weight OFF. so just eat healthy food and work out daily.
this is not safe to drink alot of water and only water. your body needs food.you should drink 8 glasses a day, but dont overdo it, as it could mess you up.
water fasting is like the road to anorexia, heh. because not eating anything is going to keep slowing down your metabolism. if you want to maintain the weightloss you'd have to continue starving yourself. or else you'll gain it all back or more. this is not a healthy or efficient way to lose weight.
yeah doesn't work you have to eat, jsut eat right and exercize@
No never heard of a Yes, Rum and orange juice, including water.
What is better yet..Lol. seriously, is Grapefruit juice..Ruby red and water..it works, plus you can eat. You know and I, must walk, walk, talk...yes, talking also makes you lose weight
Water only...I do not know..better check before you try. Is it worth losing your life, losing weight?
you shouldnt even try it is very dangerous for your body to just intake water there are a lot of other diets you can try the cabbage diet you make cabbage soup carrots potatoes cabbage celery onion any other veggies you want and you cook it it works great cut back on the pop and you shoudl be ok good luck
Diets don't work unless you stay on them forever! Right after you discontinue a diet you will gain the weight back. Get off your lazy butt and exercise!
What's that mean? Nothing but water? For how long? Anyone who tried losing weight by just drinking water for any real length of time is not still alive to talk to you about it.
Not recommended, at most you will lose muscle. You need to have a balanced diet couple with enough activity (exercise) to create a negative caloric balance thus inducing weight loss. A water diet will not provide you with proper nutrients and will most likely leave you feeling bloated, hungry, and miserable.
that doesnt sound healthy,
but yes, you will lose weight. but afterwards you'll just gain all the weight back that you lost. your best bet is to do it the healthy way, its sooo much easier and keeps the weight OFF. so just eat healthy food and work out daily.
this is not safe to drink alot of water and only water. your body needs food.you should drink 8 glasses a day, but dont overdo it, as it could mess you up.
water fasting is like the road to anorexia, heh. because not eating anything is going to keep slowing down your metabolism. if you want to maintain the weightloss you'd have to continue starving yourself. or else you'll gain it all back or more. this is not a healthy or efficient way to lose weight.
yeah doesn't work you have to eat, jsut eat right and exercize@
No never heard of a Yes, Rum and orange juice, including water.
What is better yet..Lol. seriously, is Grapefruit juice..Ruby red and water..it works, plus you can eat. You know and I, must walk, walk, talk...yes, talking also makes you lose weight
Water only...I do not know..better check before you try. Is it worth losing your life, losing weight?
Has anyone ever tried Jorge Cruise's 3 Hour Diet?
I bought the book for it and I was just wondering if anyone here has tried it and was successful?
Just try it all diets work different on people.
to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and diet pills and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time it tones your tummy and all your body up wonderful too ! i lost 2 1/2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question goodluck !
Just try it all diets work different on people.
to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and diet pills and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time it tones your tummy and all your body up wonderful too ! i lost 2 1/2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question goodluck !
Has anyone ever tried "alli" yet?
I have been on Alli for about 2.5 weeks (when ever it came out). I was terrified of the explosive bowels I kept hearing about, so I started on a weekend when I was home. I have never had an accident or near accident. While taking this I am definitely more conscious about what i eat, and even though I could skip a pill if I wanted to be bad, there is enough drug in my system to still cause a treatment effect.In fact, I have actually been a little constipated and have had to use stool softeners a couple of times, still no "accidents". I have never had oily spotting or anything. Yes I do see the oil in the toilet, yes it is gross, but I'd rather it be there than in my body, and I know the pills are working!!Being on this pill has helped me with my will power, knowing if I really want to eat something I shouldn't, there may be very undesirable consequences!!I have lost over 10 pounds so far and shocked to see the weight go down a little each day!I'd say if you can follow the guidelines of the 15 grams of fat per meal you should do just fine!!
alli is basically a nonprescription version of the drug Xenical. If you are interested in trying alli, check out anyone who has tired Xenical
Has anyone ever took the 72 hour diet pill?
does it work? does the weight come right back? were can i buy it? how does it work? will i be on the toilet all day?
i doubt it, why use a pill, which are all gimmicks btw, don't believe what they say. Just do a walk around your house, and go back to sitting on your couch. In time you'll lose weight, and it's a pretty lazy method since it seems that's what you're lookin for, and you save money
i doubt it, why use a pill, which are all gimmicks btw, don't believe what they say. Just do a walk around your house, and go back to sitting on your couch. In time you'll lose weight, and it's a pretty lazy method since it seems that's what you're lookin for, and you save money
Has anyone ever taken the diet pill called Akavar 20/50? Or Alli?
what kind of diet pill have you taken that has worked and helped you really lose what?PLEASE answer only if you have taken some
I have tried Alli and I had bad cramps as a result
I took Xenadrine about 4 yrs ago and I lost some MAJOR weight! I lost 68 lbs. total in about 4 mos. It was great, that was, until they banned ephedra. I heard they released it again with ephedra though. I have to be honest though, until this day, 4 yrs after I took these pills for about 8 mos or so, I suffer from heart problems. They caused me to have heart palpitations, pains on my chest, and shortness of breath. I know they screwed me up but I am too afraid to see a Dr. Its really up to you if you want them or not, but for me its not worth it b/c I have children and Im sure they would rather have me fat than dead! Good Luck to you!!
I have tried Alli and I had bad cramps as a result
I took Xenadrine about 4 yrs ago and I lost some MAJOR weight! I lost 68 lbs. total in about 4 mos. It was great, that was, until they banned ephedra. I heard they released it again with ephedra though. I have to be honest though, until this day, 4 yrs after I took these pills for about 8 mos or so, I suffer from heart problems. They caused me to have heart palpitations, pains on my chest, and shortness of breath. I know they screwed me up but I am too afraid to see a Dr. Its really up to you if you want them or not, but for me its not worth it b/c I have children and Im sure they would rather have me fat than dead! Good Luck to you!!
Has anyone ever taken dhea for weightlifting?
I take DHEA for weightlifting. However, I have always taken creatine and protein too. So I don't know how much of my gains actually comes from the DHEA. A bill has been introduced on in the U.S. Senate (S. 762) that attempts to classify DHEA as a controlled substance under the category of anabolic steroids. In Canada, a prescription is required to buy DHEA.-(Wikipedia)With such controversy brewing over it, I would have to say it is effective in increasing strength and testosterone.
I have and let me tell you this... If you are under 35 than it will probably be just as effective as eating cardboard. DHEA is for individuals that have a declining level of testosterone. Some studies show that advanced forms of it will help you lose bodyfat. If you are a teen or in your twenties than your testosterone is already pretty high. You just have to workout with a level of intensity that raises your test levels. Be sure to use compound exercises like Benchpress, squats, deadlifts and dips. These exercises naturally force your body to produce test like crazy. Make sure you go heavy and dont be afraid to scream and yell to get those last few reps. Enlist a good training partner and always have a spotter who motivates you.
I heard it cause stunt growth in teenager
Has anyone ever sprinkled unflavored PROTEIN POWDER on there food for more protein? Nutrition?
Has anyone ever done this? Does it taste ok? Hows it cook?
not unflavored but yeah it works its pretty good. i use protein powder on biscuits...pretty good
i did. I sprinkle it into my eggs while it is cooking. It doesnt change the flavor unless it is liquid.
If you want to up your protein intake just eat more beans and peanut butter
I realy don't like the powders, I like beans, rice, peanuts and red meat. Lots and lots of dead animals, fried, grilled, baked BBQd, just about anyway but boiled.
not unflavored but yeah it works its pretty good. i use protein powder on biscuits...pretty good
i did. I sprinkle it into my eggs while it is cooking. It doesnt change the flavor unless it is liquid.
If you want to up your protein intake just eat more beans and peanut butter
I realy don't like the powders, I like beans, rice, peanuts and red meat. Lots and lots of dead animals, fried, grilled, baked BBQd, just about anyway but boiled.
Has anyone ever heard of 20 in 10?
its this weight loss program its suppose to get 20 pounds off of u in ten days.is it for real and where can u get 4 free?
i have it downloaded ! i only lost 3 pounds and you were basicallly starving yourself and eating about 1000 calories its the samer thing as the three day diet repested for 10 days! it sucks!i had to pay like 20 dollars!
Do you know what my momma always told me? She said, "If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is."Not only do you want to lose 20 pounds in 10 days, but you want to do it for free, huh? Honestly, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?!
i have it downloaded ! i only lost 3 pounds and you were basicallly starving yourself and eating about 1000 calories its the samer thing as the three day diet repested for 10 days! it sucks!i had to pay like 20 dollars!
Do you know what my momma always told me? She said, "If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is."Not only do you want to lose 20 pounds in 10 days, but you want to do it for free, huh? Honestly, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?!
Has anyone ever drank real aloe vera gel?
I am on a 9 day Aloe vera gel fast (Clean 9) and this aloe vera gel is BEYOND DISGUSTING! Just wondering if anyone else out there has tried it.
yeah I tried this aloe drink they had at the liquor store once, It had these little chunks of fruit in it and I thought I'd just see how it was and it was bad, I couldn't finish it because it was thick and just tasted nasty.
WHAT? is this some kind of reverse enima?
mmmmm appetizing... no i havent
please tell me you are trying to be funny..
Uhh, you might wanna make sure it won't make you sick.
Something could be poisoness. =/ eww
I like the AV gel form Puritians Pride. but I water it down 50/50 then shake the crap out of it.
yeah I tried this aloe drink they had at the liquor store once, It had these little chunks of fruit in it and I thought I'd just see how it was and it was bad, I couldn't finish it because it was thick and just tasted nasty.
WHAT? is this some kind of reverse enima?
mmmmm appetizing... no i havent
please tell me you are trying to be funny..
Uhh, you might wanna make sure it won't make you sick.
Something could be poisoness. =/ eww
I like the AV gel form Puritians Pride. but I water it down 50/50 then shake the crap out of it.
Has anyone ever done Winsor Pilates or the new Firm program? Do they work if followed correctly?
I'm not doing Windsor pilates, but I did buy a beginners pilates tapes (I just finished my last workout). I absolutely love it- I am more toned, and the emphasis on breathing technique has actually improved my concentration because I know how to fully oxygenate my body. I don't know how different the Pilates tapes are, but I think its a great workout!
ANY program works if followed correctly. I've seen both DVD Infomercials many times. I think that they are both solid programs. I haven't used them myself. But I have never heard anything bad about them. Try T tapp too. My friend lost like 8 inches from her waist in a month with these DVD's.
Has anyone ever done this?
has anyone ever burned about 1500 calories on a treadmill ive only burned 100 at most so today im planning on burning 1500 is this good should i go for it??
Yes I have, but I had been running about 6 miles every day on a treadmill for quite some time. You might want to increase it slowly. It is also kind of a pain because you have to start over when the treadmill runs out of time. Most of them have a max of 60 minute workouts. Lol It does feel good to have a really hard work out every once and a while, but don’t push yourself too hard. It might end up making you so sore that you can’t work out for a couple days after that. It would probably be better to increase it by a smaller amount. Make sure that you eat enough carbohydrates for that kind of a work out. I love to run %26 I keep up a person blog with running tips %26 health tips. Feel free to visit anytime. Leave comments or questions %26 I’ll be sure to answer back
thats a big jump. try burning 100 more every time you use the tredmill
1500!! thats crazy, youd have to be on that thing all day!
Yes I have, but I had been running about 6 miles every day on a treadmill for quite some time. You might want to increase it slowly. It is also kind of a pain because you have to start over when the treadmill runs out of time. Most of them have a max of 60 minute workouts. Lol It does feel good to have a really hard work out every once and a while, but don’t push yourself too hard. It might end up making you so sore that you can’t work out for a couple days after that. It would probably be better to increase it by a smaller amount. Make sure that you eat enough carbohydrates for that kind of a work out. I love to run %26 I keep up a person blog with running tips %26 health tips. Feel free to visit anytime. Leave comments or questions %26 I’ll be sure to answer back
thats a big jump. try burning 100 more every time you use the tredmill
1500!! thats crazy, youd have to be on that thing all day!
Has anyone ever done the Taebo video workouts?
If so, did you see any results? Thanks for your input!
i've got one of them and it is really good to get into a sweat its a good workout i didn't really do it for lnog enough to get results but i think it would have worked
some of the moves are hard for me to grasp and that put me off but its orth a try i just gave up it doesn't help when your house is hardly ever empty, thats why i didnt do it i wanted more privacy
i think you should try it it is fun and you do get into a sweat so that must mean it will work :)
Yeah, they're great. A total body workout. There's certain ones I would recommend for beginners and other ones for advanced. Which ones do you have if you have any?
DOUBLE TIME!!! Billy Blanks is awesome!
i've got one of them and it is really good to get into a sweat its a good workout i didn't really do it for lnog enough to get results but i think it would have worked
some of the moves are hard for me to grasp and that put me off but its orth a try i just gave up it doesn't help when your house is hardly ever empty, thats why i didnt do it i wanted more privacy
i think you should try it it is fun and you do get into a sweat so that must mean it will work :)
Yeah, they're great. A total body workout. There's certain ones I would recommend for beginners and other ones for advanced. Which ones do you have if you have any?
DOUBLE TIME!!! Billy Blanks is awesome!
Has anyone ever done "sweating to the oldies" and lost weight?
If so how long did it take to see results? And how many times a week did you do the tape? Thanks
No, but here is my philosophy on it: If the trainer on the video looks like crap, that's a good indication that the video may not help. That's unless you are not used to any type of physical activity. Then of course it couldn't hurt, but don't expect miracles.
No, but here is my philosophy on it: If the trainer on the video looks like crap, that's a good indication that the video may not help. That's unless you are not used to any type of physical activity. Then of course it couldn't hurt, but don't expect miracles.
Has anyone else put on weight whilst dieting & excersising?
For the last 3 weeks I've changed my whole diet. (gone from eating junk food to cutting it all out and eating healthy, watching calorie intake etc..). Also have been excersising for over an hour a day on the exersise bike I purchased. However I've put on about a pound or so. I wasn't expecting instant results but did not expect to put on weight. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Has anyone else had this problem when trying to lose weight?
For most people if they go from not doing much to exercising allot they do put weight on at firstmuscle weighs more than fat but takes up less roomThat is why when you join a gym they also measure you.Get a measuring tape a soft one that they use for sewing and measure your self around the waist and hips and chest upper arms upper legs Keep track of the measurements but make sure you measure at the same level every time.
it is best if you measure 4 or 3 inches down the leg and arm some where where you can keep track of it
Please note that in some places you might start to get bigger measures as well i.e. upper arm if you are lifting weights some muscles will grow so the ones to pay att to is the waist and hips chestWhen you weigh your self make sure it is first thing in the morning before you eat and after you go to the bathroom. So you do not start to obsess it is recommended that you only weigh and measure your self every two weeks if you have to do it more no more than once a week
I know of a person who started to exercise and they put on 25 pounds but they went down 4 sizes in their clothsAlso for most people and more so for girls it is the norm for their weight to go up and down with in a five pound range. Depending on what time of the month it is.
its possible that you've just gained muscle if you've been exercising a lot, because muscle weighs more than fat, but hey the main thing is that you look good right
Yes, everyone has setbacks. They are normal.Could be a lot of things that caused you to gain some weight, I wouldn't worry about it. Just stick to your plan. And good luck.
It's probally just the rise in your excercise, muscle weighs more than fat so when you first start an excercise program it is normal to gain a pound or two just by building up muscle, don't let it discourage you tho, you are on the right path and you will see results soon.
well not exactly...
but if I had been cheating on my diet whilst "dieting"
and also cheating my excercise regimen whilst "excercising"Then perhaps...
It happens as you exercise - something to do with building muscle
Maybe you should do 30 minutes a day on the bike and see if that helps?
It wont be fat, it will more likely be muscle!
Dont worry - its only 1lb it will come off! :D
Muscle is more dense than fat, so you may well have lost a lot of fat, gained a bit of muscle and now the net effect is an increase in weight.What is more important is how you feel/look. Do you feel fitter now? Do you look better?You're right, 3 weeks is not very long as all to e seeing real results. Over a few months your weight should stabilise and you will definitely start seeing visible results.Good luck
For most people if they go from not doing much to exercising allot they do put weight on at firstmuscle weighs more than fat but takes up less roomThat is why when you join a gym they also measure you.Get a measuring tape a soft one that they use for sewing and measure your self around the waist and hips and chest upper arms upper legs Keep track of the measurements but make sure you measure at the same level every time.
it is best if you measure 4 or 3 inches down the leg and arm some where where you can keep track of it
Please note that in some places you might start to get bigger measures as well i.e. upper arm if you are lifting weights some muscles will grow so the ones to pay att to is the waist and hips chestWhen you weigh your self make sure it is first thing in the morning before you eat and after you go to the bathroom. So you do not start to obsess it is recommended that you only weigh and measure your self every two weeks if you have to do it more no more than once a week
I know of a person who started to exercise and they put on 25 pounds but they went down 4 sizes in their clothsAlso for most people and more so for girls it is the norm for their weight to go up and down with in a five pound range. Depending on what time of the month it is.
its possible that you've just gained muscle if you've been exercising a lot, because muscle weighs more than fat, but hey the main thing is that you look good right
Yes, everyone has setbacks. They are normal.Could be a lot of things that caused you to gain some weight, I wouldn't worry about it. Just stick to your plan. And good luck.
It's probally just the rise in your excercise, muscle weighs more than fat so when you first start an excercise program it is normal to gain a pound or two just by building up muscle, don't let it discourage you tho, you are on the right path and you will see results soon.
well not exactly...
but if I had been cheating on my diet whilst "dieting"
and also cheating my excercise regimen whilst "excercising"Then perhaps...
It happens as you exercise - something to do with building muscle
Maybe you should do 30 minutes a day on the bike and see if that helps?
It wont be fat, it will more likely be muscle!
Dont worry - its only 1lb it will come off! :D
Muscle is more dense than fat, so you may well have lost a lot of fat, gained a bit of muscle and now the net effect is an increase in weight.What is more important is how you feel/look. Do you feel fitter now? Do you look better?You're right, 3 weeks is not very long as all to e seeing real results. Over a few months your weight should stabilise and you will definitely start seeing visible results.Good luck
Has anyone done Bikram Yoga 60-day challenge? What was your experience? Did you lose weight?
I'm overweight and am about to start a 60-day challenge, going to Bikram daily for 60 days. I'd love to hear from others who have done this, and what changes they felt, how rapidly they progressed, pounds or inches lost, etc. Thanks!
My mom and dad did Bikram yoga together. My mom couldn't handle the heat. My dad really likes it though. He's lost some weight, and strengthened his body. He said he really likes the heat. That it helps him relax his muscles and focus. He didn't do the 60 day challenge, but he did buy a big bulk of classes. He goes like 2 - 3 times a week.
My mom and dad did Bikram yoga together. My mom couldn't handle the heat. My dad really likes it though. He's lost some weight, and strengthened his body. He said he really likes the heat. That it helps him relax his muscles and focus. He didn't do the 60 day challenge, but he did buy a big bulk of classes. He goes like 2 - 3 times a week.
Has anyone done any research on the benefits of Nike Air?
I've always been curious if the gas in Nike "Air" has actually made for a better shoe. Has anyone studied this in a non biased way. (Nike scientists making "factology reports" don't really count.) Do runners get less shin splints because of the padding? Or is it just a gimmick?
I work for a competitor. All the technology works, but an important factor is the fit of the shoe and how a person runs. Yes runners get fewer shin splints from the air or any other shock-impact or shock-dispersion technology, like air, gel, grid, etc. They need to get a shoe that fits well, is designed for their weight and gait type (overpronation, underpronation, normal, etc.), and change it out every 400-500 miles.
If you're a runner, go to a run-specialty store and get great advice for the right shoe for you.
i dunno.. but i bought a pair of nike air just because they looked like decent running shoes.. and i LOVE them. my feet feel so much better after wearing them
Yes it benefits those poor athletes buy their mansions and defense attorneys for when they get arrested and their Ferraris
ive done lots of reserch.i found there are no benifits to nike air.it is one of the biggest lable scams ever!
Of course its just a gimmick... they got the idea from michael jordan which they thought was like walking on air...But yah anything can be proven so they are right in saying it can prevent injuries. How effective it is? ask the Airheads! Anyways why would you want to pay so much for AIR when you can get it for free?
The majority of the 'air' in Nike air trainers are in the heal of the shoe, shin splints is a condition were the muscle and the shin bone loosen. Mainly caused by the ball of the foot striking hard surfaces, if you are suffering the only way to recover is complete rest from high impact exercise. I suffered when running on roads/tracks so now only run on soft grass and artificial turf. When the pain comes back i stop running and swim instead, as that is very low impact.
No idea.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
I work for a competitor. All the technology works, but an important factor is the fit of the shoe and how a person runs. Yes runners get fewer shin splints from the air or any other shock-impact or shock-dispersion technology, like air, gel, grid, etc. They need to get a shoe that fits well, is designed for their weight and gait type (overpronation, underpronation, normal, etc.), and change it out every 400-500 miles.
If you're a runner, go to a run-specialty store and get great advice for the right shoe for you.
i dunno.. but i bought a pair of nike air just because they looked like decent running shoes.. and i LOVE them. my feet feel so much better after wearing them
Yes it benefits those poor athletes buy their mansions and defense attorneys for when they get arrested and their Ferraris
ive done lots of reserch.i found there are no benifits to nike air.it is one of the biggest lable scams ever!
Of course its just a gimmick... they got the idea from michael jordan which they thought was like walking on air...But yah anything can be proven so they are right in saying it can prevent injuries. How effective it is? ask the Airheads! Anyways why would you want to pay so much for AIR when you can get it for free?
The majority of the 'air' in Nike air trainers are in the heal of the shoe, shin splints is a condition were the muscle and the shin bone loosen. Mainly caused by the ball of the foot striking hard surfaces, if you are suffering the only way to recover is complete rest from high impact exercise. I suffered when running on roads/tracks so now only run on soft grass and artificial turf. When the pain comes back i stop running and swim instead, as that is very low impact.
No idea.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
Has anyone done a short term diet to drop 10 pounds FAST that actually worked and wasn't a scam?
Losing weight fast is never a good idea, it's hard on your body, and it can cause other health issues, like fatigue or anemia. The best way to lose weight is to eat healthy and exercise. Walking 3 times or more a week is the best way to melt those pounds, but don't over do it. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies and good lean protein are part of a balanced diet, you can also have bread and pasta in small portions. This is also a great long term diet plan. Good Luck!
I do the Grapefruit juice diet.It really works.I have lost 30 lbs. in two and half months.
No.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
No "diet" is healthy long term...but I've done Atkins to drop pounds fast. The only problem is, they come back because you just can't eat that way indefinitely (and shouldn't!).Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet of foods all the time...cut your calories a bit for weight loss (not under 1200), and eat 4 - 6 small meals instead of 3 larger ones (your metabolism stays burning at a higher rate for longer) and exercise at least 1 hour a day, at least 5 days a week. Keep up with the healthy eating and exercise (maybe 3 days a week) when you hit your goal and you'll be able to keep the weight off. 鈽?br />
Good luck!
i lost weight by eating cereal for breakfast and lunch and some kind of salad for supper i stopped the deserts and fast food restaurants and if i ate something else i ate less than i did before.
Well i tried eating nothing but small salads w/ light italian dressing and a few pieces of grilled chicken everyday for lunch and dinner and a protein bar for breakfast. I also ran everyday for 20-30 minutes. I lost 10lbs in a bout a month. Its probably not very healthy to lose weight that fast, and I gainned the weight back in another month. Which will happen with any diet where you lose weight fast. So I wouldnt recommend losing 10 lbs fast unless you want results temporarily.
detox diet is the best diet to loose weight at home without exercising..it helps u to lose 5 lbs appox in 2 weeks time by just changing ur eating habbits..
the best place to find detox diet recipes and tips to loose weight
I did the cabbage soup diet and lost 17 lbs in about 6 days and yes I put it back on after about two weeks but I only needed to lose it for an event anyhow. Try it ,it might work for you too.
YES and I kept off the 20 pounds too for a year now fast weightloss is not bad at all if you do a healthy diet and you get off and eat loads of junk will you gain.? If you do it the fast way and eat loads of junk would you gain...?? so you see my point this diet I made up by myself and its cheap and I lost 20 pounds in a week. I just typed it for someone so I will post it on here soon.
Has anyone bought ephedra based fat burners from thatswholesale.com?Which one is best? Are they legitimate?
ive bought a few brands of fat burners with ephdra the 2 best i prefered are stacker 2 with ephedra and xtralean u can get them anywhere but i go through ephedrineforsale.com they work well and never had a problem with them pills or the company
Has anyone been on the South Beach Diet before?
Did it work, I have been on it for 4 days now and I am hungry as hell!
Yikes, sadly any diet that keeps you hungry is doomed to fail, but if you find anything that works let us know. Good luck.
Wow, I was never hungry on it. Eat some lean cheese or a small piece of chicken-protein will help you stay full longer. And drink lots of water.
Yikes, sadly any diet that keeps you hungry is doomed to fail, but if you find anything that works let us know. Good luck.
Wow, I was never hungry on it. Eat some lean cheese or a small piece of chicken-protein will help you stay full longer. And drink lots of water.
Has anyone been on phentermine (fasten) pils?
hi! i'm 21, 5ft.5 tall and used to weight 195lb. i started going to a doctor since january 07, and he prescribe me phentermine or better known as fasten diet pills, they suppouse to prevent obesity and they suppress your apepite, and cravings. after 4 months my weight was 175lb, its been almost 3 months and i keep doing the same thing, i excercise as regular, i eat the same, and try to drink plenty of water, but i feel that i got stuck! it's been 3 months i don't loose a pound! should i stop with the pills and start doing something else? actuallty the pills give me lots of energy and make me thirsty all the time, but i have not notice any changes at all, please help!
hi, i am using them right now. i have only been on them for a month and have lost 10 pounds. i too get really thirsty, and have lots of energy. But... my doctor (and research that i have done, and talking to friends who have used them) say that 12 weeks is the maximum to take them. for health reasons, you may become addicted (that is what it said in the research) so that is why taking them after 12 weeks is not recommended. i have also heard from a friend, that for her, the pills did not work after 3 months. you could also be at what they call a plateau, your metabolism knows exactly how many calories you are going to eat, and how much you are going to burn, so it doesn't do anything... you will not burn calories. you need to jump-start your metabolism by doing something different. if you always do an aeorbics machine (eliptical/ bike/treadmill) try something different. run for a couple minutes more each day, go swimming, lift weights. all of these things can boost your metabolism. also, if you always eat the same thing, maybe have something different for breakfast. when i take the pills, i usually eat in the morning - per instructions, and at lunch, but i am not hungry in the evening, maybe have some fruit or a yogurt at night. i wish you luck! and hope i can get down as much as you have, congratulations!
hi, i am using them right now. i have only been on them for a month and have lost 10 pounds. i too get really thirsty, and have lots of energy. But... my doctor (and research that i have done, and talking to friends who have used them) say that 12 weeks is the maximum to take them. for health reasons, you may become addicted (that is what it said in the research) so that is why taking them after 12 weeks is not recommended. i have also heard from a friend, that for her, the pills did not work after 3 months. you could also be at what they call a plateau, your metabolism knows exactly how many calories you are going to eat, and how much you are going to burn, so it doesn't do anything... you will not burn calories. you need to jump-start your metabolism by doing something different. if you always do an aeorbics machine (eliptical/ bike/treadmill) try something different. run for a couple minutes more each day, go swimming, lift weights. all of these things can boost your metabolism. also, if you always eat the same thing, maybe have something different for breakfast. when i take the pills, i usually eat in the morning - per instructions, and at lunch, but i am not hungry in the evening, maybe have some fruit or a yogurt at night. i wish you luck! and hope i can get down as much as you have, congratulations!
Has anyne taken the slimmin pill Xenical?
Does it change the way you feel or is it not bad?
Thinking of trying it as fed up with diets so a little advice would be great.
Or do you know of a cheep uk based site where i can buy from that is really cheep.Thanks
Unlike appetite suppresents Xenical doesn't interfere with brain chemistry.What it does is stop your body absorbing 33% of the fat you eat. If you eat a healthy diet with a low fat intake it'll do nothing for you, as there's so little fat to remove. However if you eat a high fat diet Xenical will make you pay for it! You basically poo oil and get killer cramps! Sometimes very unexpectedly - I've Xenicalled myself in Tescos twice and in bed several times, all because I ate a croissant!Got to say I love Xenical though, now I've learned to work with it.I don't know what you deem cheap, but you won't get it online for under $110 a month.Later this year a lower strength version of Xenical called 'Alli' will be on sale in the UK without prescription.
yeah its meant to be very good, i have a friend who has taken it...also you might be interested in reductil, does a similar thing...just have a google round for cheap meds and see what comes up. you have to be quite overweight to be given in though so if your not just lie :) say uve tried the whole diet and exercise thing as well and nothing is working for you and theyll let you have some, good luck
Yes, I've taken it! It basically works by "teaching" you not to eat fatty foods - by the horrible side effects you get if you do eat them. I stopped taking them because they just didn't work for me.
Thinking of trying it as fed up with diets so a little advice would be great.
Or do you know of a cheep uk based site where i can buy from that is really cheep.Thanks
Unlike appetite suppresents Xenical doesn't interfere with brain chemistry.What it does is stop your body absorbing 33% of the fat you eat. If you eat a healthy diet with a low fat intake it'll do nothing for you, as there's so little fat to remove. However if you eat a high fat diet Xenical will make you pay for it! You basically poo oil and get killer cramps! Sometimes very unexpectedly - I've Xenicalled myself in Tescos twice and in bed several times, all because I ate a croissant!Got to say I love Xenical though, now I've learned to work with it.I don't know what you deem cheap, but you won't get it online for under $110 a month.Later this year a lower strength version of Xenical called 'Alli' will be on sale in the UK without prescription.
yeah its meant to be very good, i have a friend who has taken it...also you might be interested in reductil, does a similar thing...just have a google round for cheap meds and see what comes up. you have to be quite overweight to be given in though so if your not just lie :) say uve tried the whole diet and exercise thing as well and nothing is working for you and theyll let you have some, good luck
Yes, I've taken it! It basically works by "teaching" you not to eat fatty foods - by the horrible side effects you get if you do eat them. I stopped taking them because they just didn't work for me.
Has anybody try LIPOZENE? and if you have did it work?
no but I tried lipo-6 and that worked
no... try excercising
Lipozene is a fiber pill. That's all. It's Glucomannan. Glucomannan is an unabsorbable polysaccharide derived from the konjac root. Getting a good amount of fiber in your diet is great. Not many people get enough fiber, but don't pay 30 bucks for a bottle of 20 or 30 pills.
A good brand should cost you about 10-12 bucks for 180 capsules. Better yet, just add some whole grains and vegetables to your diet.
I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of impurities. Impurities come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The impurities get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the impurities by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do! http://diet4cleansing.com
Has anybody tried those chinese tea for weight loss?
does it work? how does your diet have to change to lose weight??
no and i dont try it because it wont work, its water weight which is easily gained backExercise, eat carbs in the morning and protein at night, thats alllJust east less...really...
Its OK, you are a fine young lady.
had to give up they were disgusting i nearly gagged
To tell you the trouth I really don't think so!
I would try weight watchers program, because I had several friends it really worked for as well as they keep on being slim!
Good luck:-)
try green tea, im on it and it workshttp://www.diet-blog.com/archives/2005/0...
It takes about a week for your body to get used to green tea. While it does, you get dehydrated and think you've lost weight. After a week, it all comes back. (and the tea seller has your money)It only works if you drink it instead of beer.
Like ALL fad diets and diet pills on average 2 in 3 so called dieters end up heavier!We are what we eat, and even more what we don't do, so less in, more out is the only way.A modest decrease in calories, together with regular vigorous exercise is the only way to sustain weight loss.
yes Ive tried it . alls i can say is stay very close to a bathroom. it works like a laxative
Oh yes and they r soooooooooooo bad. Try green tea, increase your water intake and up the exercise. Good luck xx
Is this the tea that Victoria Beckham said she uses? If it is, remember that to be the size she is, she's obviously resorting to very unhealthy measures to get there. She's not going to admit this publically cos she'd been destroyed so it's very convenient for her to claim tea helped her get to the ridiculously unhealthy state she's in. And us gulliable idiots follow suit in our desparate attempts to lose weight.
chinese tea to loose weight? no they dont work
work on ur eatting habbits eat low fat meals portion control and keep active fittness that would help
Do u want to no how it works ?Key is ;
U may no Chinese tea can make user do Sth with a great animation.And the time the user spend doing sth may be added .So in fact It is the activities user take have been added help the user lose weight.
And if she only wants to lose weight but the activities r not being added I think .she may lose weight in dreams
waste of money the best diet is weight watchers as it changes eating habits as well as u actullly losing weight!!
Chinese green tea is a great component of a diet combine it with a healthy diet no stodge after 5pm and drink 2-3 lts of water also 10-15 mins of cardio exercise a day, just remember that with most diets weight loss is good in the first few weeks and then it slows making lots of people give up, strong will plus your diet and you will see a result over time. If you need to hurry your weight loss try a "fat stripper" from someone like LA muscle they have a uk web site.
no and i dont try it because it wont work, its water weight which is easily gained backExercise, eat carbs in the morning and protein at night, thats alllJust east less...really...
Its OK, you are a fine young lady.
had to give up they were disgusting i nearly gagged
To tell you the trouth I really don't think so!
I would try weight watchers program, because I had several friends it really worked for as well as they keep on being slim!
Good luck:-)
try green tea, im on it and it workshttp://www.diet-blog.com/archives/2005/0...
It takes about a week for your body to get used to green tea. While it does, you get dehydrated and think you've lost weight. After a week, it all comes back. (and the tea seller has your money)It only works if you drink it instead of beer.
Like ALL fad diets and diet pills on average 2 in 3 so called dieters end up heavier!We are what we eat, and even more what we don't do, so less in, more out is the only way.A modest decrease in calories, together with regular vigorous exercise is the only way to sustain weight loss.
yes Ive tried it . alls i can say is stay very close to a bathroom. it works like a laxative
Oh yes and they r soooooooooooo bad. Try green tea, increase your water intake and up the exercise. Good luck xx
Is this the tea that Victoria Beckham said she uses? If it is, remember that to be the size she is, she's obviously resorting to very unhealthy measures to get there. She's not going to admit this publically cos she'd been destroyed so it's very convenient for her to claim tea helped her get to the ridiculously unhealthy state she's in. And us gulliable idiots follow suit in our desparate attempts to lose weight.
chinese tea to loose weight? no they dont work
work on ur eatting habbits eat low fat meals portion control and keep active fittness that would help
Do u want to no how it works ?Key is ;
U may no Chinese tea can make user do Sth with a great animation.And the time the user spend doing sth may be added .So in fact It is the activities user take have been added help the user lose weight.
And if she only wants to lose weight but the activities r not being added I think .she may lose weight in dreams
waste of money the best diet is weight watchers as it changes eating habits as well as u actullly losing weight!!
Chinese green tea is a great component of a diet combine it with a healthy diet no stodge after 5pm and drink 2-3 lts of water also 10-15 mins of cardio exercise a day, just remember that with most diets weight loss is good in the first few weeks and then it slows making lots of people give up, strong will plus your diet and you will see a result over time. If you need to hurry your weight loss try a "fat stripper" from someone like LA muscle they have a uk web site.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Has anybody tried the Green tea diet? and exactly what do you do? Does it really work?
dont know about green tea DIET? But i do know if you drink too much or on an empty stomach in the a.m. it will make you nauseated? So, if you wonder "why am i so nauseated?" oh, yeah its a antioxident too.
Avoid sheepish fads. Eat sensibly and exercise regularly.
never heard of that before thats sounds pretty cool ilove green tea
Has anybody heard about the fact that one can lose weight only by changing our thoughts?
Supposedly we are the result of our thoughts "positive or negative" So if you have negative thoughts about food, your body, and any other thing, that negativity may be the cause of your over weighted condition. I saw that on the internet, they were recommending a book called the only diet there is, and it is all about changing your negative thoughts. Please somebody help me!
Yes but such thoughts shud result in craze for eating being reduced.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
The only thing you can do with that book is probably eat it. It's rubbish...sorry! :)
Instead of thinking about all the things you are giving up, think of all the things you gave up by being overweight.
I wish.the only way to lose weight is through diet and exercise.
I've tried it.didn't work.
changing your thoughts doesn't change your metabolism. IF you think, "This burger and fries are awesome! I love this food, it's so wonderful!" isn't going to change the fact that it's TERRIBLE for your body. The only real way to lose weight and keep it off is through healthy eating and exercise. Cut out all the crap from your diet. Soda and fast food. Candy is ok in moderation and you can pretty much eat what you want, just don't over eat. Eat slowly and you'll find out that you couldn't eat as much as before. Did you know soda is almost as corrosive as battery acid? Women's Health Magazine says so. Finding out why a certain food is so bad for you will also help you stay away from it. I don't want to drink battery acid, even if it tastes good.
i heard something like that. like i heard it was a FACT that if you think about your muscles alot growing then they WILLL grow. but honestly i dont think its possible.
yes i read about that in the internet..hey dont beleive it that much..if you want to lose weight go the gym and exercise or simply run once in a while...its fun
the only 'weight' you'll lose there is in your WALLET. People will put ANYTHING out there to lure in desperate people... and turn over a quick buck in the process.Don't fall for that. The ONLY way you're going to lose weight is by establishing a calorie DEFICIT - you have to BURN more calories (by exercising) than you take in (thru food).
Well, it depends on what thoughts are being referred to. What you need to change is you life style. Dieting is not a temporary situation because if it is, after you go off the diet, you will eventually gain back all the weight you lost because you haven't changed your way of eating. What worked for me is:
1. Eat less fatty food
I watch my pennies, but I don't skimp on meat. I don't buy the most expensive all the time. (I look for sales). Still, I don't usually buy the cheap stuff because it tends to be high in fat. (e.g. I buy 93% ground beef instead of 80 or 85%).2. Think of new ways to make dishes
For example, when I make foods like chili, sloppy joes and spaghetti sauce, I add a lot of vegetables to it. Usually onion, mushrooms and zucchini or yellow squash chopped up into fine dices. (Food processors are helpful, but not necessary). Onions add flavor. Mushrooms and zucchini/squash tend to take on the flavor of what you mix them with. Mix them in early for this reason.3. Cut down your portions
If you have to, decide ahead of time how much you're going to eat. Here's a good guideline:
MEAT: 3oz (about the size of a deck of cards)
VEGETABLES: 陆 to 2/3 of a cup
GRAINS (pasta, rice): 1/3 to 陆 of a cup
DAIRY: 3 servings a day
If you're going to go back for seconds, take a small portion and try to stick with the vegetables or the grains.4. It's ok to treat yourself to deserts but go for things like sugar free pudding, crustless pumpkin pie and diet soda cake. (You can find recipes for these last 2 online). A good place to find recipes is:
http://www.healthdiscovery.net/forums/fo...5. Journal what you eat, at least until you lose the weight. You might want to journal even afterwards for a little while until you know you are going to maintain the weight-- after you know you have changed your way of eating (habitually)GOOD LUCK!
If you keep telling yourself your not going to lose weight then you wont. You need to tell your self you will lose weight and it makes you feel more positive about your diet. You cant lose weight just by thinking you will but it does help alot when your on a diet if you think positive !
Yes but such thoughts shud result in craze for eating being reduced.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
The only thing you can do with that book is probably eat it. It's rubbish...sorry! :)
Instead of thinking about all the things you are giving up, think of all the things you gave up by being overweight.
I wish.the only way to lose weight is through diet and exercise.
I've tried it.didn't work.
changing your thoughts doesn't change your metabolism. IF you think, "This burger and fries are awesome! I love this food, it's so wonderful!" isn't going to change the fact that it's TERRIBLE for your body. The only real way to lose weight and keep it off is through healthy eating and exercise. Cut out all the crap from your diet. Soda and fast food. Candy is ok in moderation and you can pretty much eat what you want, just don't over eat. Eat slowly and you'll find out that you couldn't eat as much as before. Did you know soda is almost as corrosive as battery acid? Women's Health Magazine says so. Finding out why a certain food is so bad for you will also help you stay away from it. I don't want to drink battery acid, even if it tastes good.
i heard something like that. like i heard it was a FACT that if you think about your muscles alot growing then they WILLL grow. but honestly i dont think its possible.
yes i read about that in the internet..hey dont beleive it that much..if you want to lose weight go the gym and exercise or simply run once in a while...its fun
the only 'weight' you'll lose there is in your WALLET. People will put ANYTHING out there to lure in desperate people... and turn over a quick buck in the process.Don't fall for that. The ONLY way you're going to lose weight is by establishing a calorie DEFICIT - you have to BURN more calories (by exercising) than you take in (thru food).
Well, it depends on what thoughts are being referred to. What you need to change is you life style. Dieting is not a temporary situation because if it is, after you go off the diet, you will eventually gain back all the weight you lost because you haven't changed your way of eating. What worked for me is:
1. Eat less fatty food
I watch my pennies, but I don't skimp on meat. I don't buy the most expensive all the time. (I look for sales). Still, I don't usually buy the cheap stuff because it tends to be high in fat. (e.g. I buy 93% ground beef instead of 80 or 85%).2. Think of new ways to make dishes
For example, when I make foods like chili, sloppy joes and spaghetti sauce, I add a lot of vegetables to it. Usually onion, mushrooms and zucchini or yellow squash chopped up into fine dices. (Food processors are helpful, but not necessary). Onions add flavor. Mushrooms and zucchini/squash tend to take on the flavor of what you mix them with. Mix them in early for this reason.3. Cut down your portions
If you have to, decide ahead of time how much you're going to eat. Here's a good guideline:
MEAT: 3oz (about the size of a deck of cards)
VEGETABLES: 陆 to 2/3 of a cup
GRAINS (pasta, rice): 1/3 to 陆 of a cup
DAIRY: 3 servings a day
If you're going to go back for seconds, take a small portion and try to stick with the vegetables or the grains.4. It's ok to treat yourself to deserts but go for things like sugar free pudding, crustless pumpkin pie and diet soda cake. (You can find recipes for these last 2 online). A good place to find recipes is:
http://www.healthdiscovery.net/forums/fo...5. Journal what you eat, at least until you lose the weight. You might want to journal even afterwards for a little while until you know you are going to maintain the weight-- after you know you have changed your way of eating (habitually)GOOD LUCK!
If you keep telling yourself your not going to lose weight then you wont. You need to tell your self you will lose weight and it makes you feel more positive about your diet. You cant lose weight just by thinking you will but it does help alot when your on a diet if you think positive !
Has anybody had any luck with the supplement hoodia?
if so how did u feel while on it?
I felt fine. Some people don't eat hardley anything on it and that can cause problems. It's suppose to help you eat smaller meals not nothing at all. The only problem with Hoodia is making sure you get the real stuff. You have to know where to look. You want to make sure you get "pure hoodia" not an extract. Get a pure hoodia brand that has C.I.T.E.S. certification. You also need to make sure you get 750 mg. to 1000 mg. per pill. They usually don't put enough Hoodia in these big chain store brands to do much of anything. To find the best Hoodia I always recommend Totalink's unbiased Hoodia comparison at http://hoodiagordonii.totalink.com/hoodi...Hope this helps.
I felt fine. Some people don't eat hardley anything on it and that can cause problems. It's suppose to help you eat smaller meals not nothing at all. The only problem with Hoodia is making sure you get the real stuff. You have to know where to look. You want to make sure you get "pure hoodia" not an extract. Get a pure hoodia brand that has C.I.T.E.S. certification. You also need to make sure you get 750 mg. to 1000 mg. per pill. They usually don't put enough Hoodia in these big chain store brands to do much of anything. To find the best Hoodia I always recommend Totalink's unbiased Hoodia comparison at http://hoodiagordonii.totalink.com/hoodi...Hope this helps.
Has anybody every tried the Goliath labs products?
i am in iraq and i need to lose weight to get promoted but i also want to gain muscle mass and i was wondering if anyone has tried the gloiath labs suppliments if so did they work for you?
First of all may I ask why you think you should be resorting to supplements in order to gain muscle?Supplements only account for a few percent of your gains in muscle, you can gain muscle naturally and fast on a good diet/routine. I have never heard of Goliath labs products. Read this: http://talkfitness.org/articles-faqs/234...
First of all may I ask why you think you should be resorting to supplements in order to gain muscle?Supplements only account for a few percent of your gains in muscle, you can gain muscle naturally and fast on a good diet/routine. I have never heard of Goliath labs products. Read this: http://talkfitness.org/articles-faqs/234...
Has any1 used trimspa?? does it work? plz dont answer if ur gonna say pills arent the way thanx!?
Ask Anna Nicole.
Pills aren't the way!Cheers for the two points
Anna Nicole used it.Like her body?LOL.
My friend tried Trispa and she got really sick. She had flu-like symptoms and was really bad for about a day. She thought it was just a fluke, and tried them again with the same results....needless to say she stopped using them!
I haven't used trim spa specifically, but I have used other ephedrine based accelerators which have worked very well. Although they are typically used for people who suffer from asthma, what they do is demand more blood to be pumped from your heart to help open up your lungs. For people who suffer from the breathing ailment asthma, this is very helpful. As a weight loss tool, it is also helpful. This is because when your heartbeat speeds up to supply the blood to your open up your lungs, you will have a more energy and you will be burning more calories. Take any ephedrine based supplement ( I use straight 'Vasopro' ephedrine), in combination with excercise; cardiovascular especially. This will help lose weight at a much faster rate and at the same time a healthy rate.
From experience, I know this. I used to take metabolife, and it acually did work. The reason why it didn't work was because it had ephedra in it and ephedra speeds up metabolism and kinda gives you like a "speed" effect. Unfortunately ephedra has been banned (because it can cause heart attacks, and what-not), and now the diet pills consist of ceffeine and vitimans mostly, and therefore aren't as effective as ones that contain the ephedra. Diet pills are more of a mind thing, because you think you're losing weight, and so you're more motivated to eat right and exercise. If there were a magic pill, it would not say on the bottle "use with a healthy low-calorie diet and excersise". The only real way to lose weight, and keep it off is low-calorie, healthy foods: fruits, veggies, grilled chicken (not fried) etc... good luck!
their celeb spokes model/person was anna nicole smith...she's dead...i am sure their product is not the main culprit, however, they do not %26 likely could not use olympic gold medalists to promo their product...the reason.? dunno...do you really want this in your body?
I tried Trimspa last summer and it sucked. I was shaky all day long.
Trimspa baby!!
read this article, you may find it interesting
Has any1 used the new POUND-X does it work? plz dont ask if ur gonna say pills arent the way!?
i dont know! im actually trying them out right now. and trying to follow a 1700 calorie diet. lets see what happens eh?
Has any tried the new FDA approved diet pill ALLI?
I was wondering if it was worth the money or another scam.
its crap
It is NOT worth the money. There have been some excellent answers and links to scientific data on Alli in a number of previous posts.If you have not done a search using Alli, then you are missing out on some of the best answers to the Alli question, I believe you will find more than 50 of them.Don't waste your money. It has some bad side effects, it is terriably expensive, and mayo clinic says Alli users lost an average of 6 lbs more in 1 YEAR than people who did diet alone. You have to take Alli with a low fat/low cal diet. So why not do the diet alone and save your money?
personally, I have not. a have a coworker and a few friends that have though and from what i hear, it doesn't do anything unless you are very overweight and eat a lot of fattening food. i don't think its for 5-10 lbs.
its crap
It is NOT worth the money. There have been some excellent answers and links to scientific data on Alli in a number of previous posts.If you have not done a search using Alli, then you are missing out on some of the best answers to the Alli question, I believe you will find more than 50 of them.Don't waste your money. It has some bad side effects, it is terriably expensive, and mayo clinic says Alli users lost an average of 6 lbs more in 1 YEAR than people who did diet alone. You have to take Alli with a low fat/low cal diet. So why not do the diet alone and save your money?
personally, I have not. a have a coworker and a few friends that have though and from what i hear, it doesn't do anything unless you are very overweight and eat a lot of fattening food. i don't think its for 5-10 lbs.
Has any one tried this Isagenix stuff?
I was just reading some of the other questions and some dude tells this lady to try Isagenix. I looked at there website and its a clensing product for your system. What do you guys think? Pros and Cons to clensing. what are they? Is it safe?
I did try it and I did lose the wieght, however, once you go back to eating regular food, you gain it right back, I was irritable, hungry and I really dont think it is the way to go and not worth the money. If you want to cleanse, drink lots of water, eat fruits and vegies.
Yes I have twice done the 9 day clense. The first time I lost 9 pounds and kept it off for over 6 mos. The second time I lost less but kept my weight down again for a year. It's safe but hard to do especially the last 2 days. I'm just about ready to try again, I love the way my stomache stays flat. Yes it is safe.
I released 40 pounds in 2 months. The Foods in the whole system are better for you as their is no pesticides like foods in the stores. The products help to remove impurities from the body. As toxins enter the body your body creates fat to surrond the toxins. That is why it works and it gives you more daily nutrition than regular foods. I am a Personal Coach for FREE for all my clients. There are several items or apckages to choose from.I even saved money as it almost replaced my grocery store.
Charlene mergirlprincess@msn.com
Hi,It does work if you are disciplined. The 30 day is a gentler cleanse than the 9 day. Both are great for losing inches and pounds. Detoxing is a great way to kick-start a lifestyle change.I personally really like the shakes. I don't even mind the cleanse for life drink anymore.It is more than a diet, it is full of nutrients. You are not depriving your body of what it needs during this time.I would encourage you to look at the website for product FAQ.bardays.isagenix.comThere are wholesale prices available(no obligation or minimum purchase)
A 9 day is 125.00 wholesale and 30 day is 249.00 wholesale. Good Luck and I hope you give it a try!
I did try it and I did lose the wieght, however, once you go back to eating regular food, you gain it right back, I was irritable, hungry and I really dont think it is the way to go and not worth the money. If you want to cleanse, drink lots of water, eat fruits and vegies.
Yes I have twice done the 9 day clense. The first time I lost 9 pounds and kept it off for over 6 mos. The second time I lost less but kept my weight down again for a year. It's safe but hard to do especially the last 2 days. I'm just about ready to try again, I love the way my stomache stays flat. Yes it is safe.
I released 40 pounds in 2 months. The Foods in the whole system are better for you as their is no pesticides like foods in the stores. The products help to remove impurities from the body. As toxins enter the body your body creates fat to surrond the toxins. That is why it works and it gives you more daily nutrition than regular foods. I am a Personal Coach for FREE for all my clients. There are several items or apckages to choose from.I even saved money as it almost replaced my grocery store.
Charlene mergirlprincess@msn.com
Hi,It does work if you are disciplined. The 30 day is a gentler cleanse than the 9 day. Both are great for losing inches and pounds. Detoxing is a great way to kick-start a lifestyle change.I personally really like the shakes. I don't even mind the cleanse for life drink anymore.It is more than a diet, it is full of nutrients. You are not depriving your body of what it needs during this time.I would encourage you to look at the website for product FAQ.bardays.isagenix.comThere are wholesale prices available(no obligation or minimum purchase)
A 9 day is 125.00 wholesale and 30 day is 249.00 wholesale. Good Luck and I hope you give it a try!
Has any one tried Alli? the new weight loss drug?
do u like it? how much have u lost? do u get the jitters... fast heart rate w/ it?
I've never used it and it has not been on the market long enough for anyone to give you the "end" results of their weight loss.
Nasty side effects! The treatment effects may include gas with oily spotting, loose stools, and more frequent stools that may be hard to control. If you haven't yet, please go to their website before purchasing this item.
Something else most people were unaware of is that you need to "Partner with a registered dietitian to start your weight loss plan." That is another expense.
If you r not ready 4 it, do not try it. Stay close to the toilet if you eat a lot of fat while taking the pill.
Go ahead and use it.if you don't mind the uncontrollable backdoor spurts -- yech!
Yes I do like it, it works really well but I haven't been taking it long enough to lose much weight. You can tell it works though because it takes the fat out of your system, I know its gross, but when you go poop it looks like you dumped a cup of grease in the pot from all of the fat it takes out of your system.
Those pills are only for the severly overweight/obese. I have heard that it does make the poop very watery and that people can even poop oil. It was in another answer/question here. I would imagine it does make people jumpy. It's a diet pill and makes the metabolism faster/hearbeat faster.
It does not like work like an amphetamine to make you jittery or cause rapid heartbeat.
I've never used it and it has not been on the market long enough for anyone to give you the "end" results of their weight loss.
Nasty side effects! The treatment effects may include gas with oily spotting, loose stools, and more frequent stools that may be hard to control. If you haven't yet, please go to their website before purchasing this item.
Something else most people were unaware of is that you need to "Partner with a registered dietitian to start your weight loss plan." That is another expense.
If you r not ready 4 it, do not try it. Stay close to the toilet if you eat a lot of fat while taking the pill.
Go ahead and use it.if you don't mind the uncontrollable backdoor spurts -- yech!
Yes I do like it, it works really well but I haven't been taking it long enough to lose much weight. You can tell it works though because it takes the fat out of your system, I know its gross, but when you go poop it looks like you dumped a cup of grease in the pot from all of the fat it takes out of your system.
Those pills are only for the severly overweight/obese. I have heard that it does make the poop very watery and that people can even poop oil. It was in another answer/question here. I would imagine it does make people jumpy. It's a diet pill and makes the metabolism faster/hearbeat faster.
It does not like work like an amphetamine to make you jittery or cause rapid heartbeat.
Has any one here ever been successful at losing wieght by jogging in the mornings with no breakfast?
i just want to now if its possible to lose weight that way and if any one has ever done it got some results after a week of running. ive done it but i cant really tell if its working
Doing that really is not the best thing to do. You should always eat breakfast in the morning before doing something especially exercise. If you dont eat breakfast and immediately exercise your body will think that you are starving it and go into starvation mode. When that happens your body will store its next meal as fat to make sure that it has the resources to survive if you ever enter starvation mode again. Actually adding to your weight.Just eat something little such as a protein bar or something like that before you exercise in the morning to ensure that your body does not enter starvation mode and you can healthily lose weight.
I have not tried to lose weight that way, but I do know that I can exercise better if I have eaten something recently. It is hard to go all night without eating and then skip breakfast and jog without fuel. You may feel OK, but you will get better results doing that with fuel in you. Your metobolism needs to keep active and you do that by eating and burning calories.
Doing that really is not the best thing to do. You should always eat breakfast in the morning before doing something especially exercise. If you dont eat breakfast and immediately exercise your body will think that you are starving it and go into starvation mode. When that happens your body will store its next meal as fat to make sure that it has the resources to survive if you ever enter starvation mode again. Actually adding to your weight.Just eat something little such as a protein bar or something like that before you exercise in the morning to ensure that your body does not enter starvation mode and you can healthily lose weight.
I have not tried to lose weight that way, but I do know that I can exercise better if I have eaten something recently. It is hard to go all night without eating and then skip breakfast and jog without fuel. You may feel OK, but you will get better results doing that with fuel in you. Your metobolism needs to keep active and you do that by eating and burning calories.
Has alli worked for anyone?
I have been reading up on it on the website, and I know the common side effects, and that you have to have a low fat diet and excersize, but I want to know what results others have seen before I try it.Someone I know has lost 7 pounds, and hasn't seen any of the side effects.How much have you lost and how long have you been taking it? and have you had any of the side effects?Thanks, Emily
I have recently seen this advertized at the walmart here in our town and they have a dietiray book that goes with the pills.I would think that if you follow their guidlines that it more than likely does
to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and diet pills and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time it tones your tummy and all your body up wonderful too ! i lost 2 1/2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question goodluck !
I have recently seen this advertized at the walmart here in our town and they have a dietiray book that goes with the pills.I would think that if you follow their guidlines that it more than likely does
to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and diet pills and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time it tones your tummy and all your body up wonderful too ! i lost 2 1/2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question goodluck !
Has a stranger ever came and said to you "When is your baby due?' (overweight women answer only please!)
Ok so I know I am overweight. But what really bugs me is when someone I don't know asks "When are you due?" I gain all my weight basically in my mid section and yes I would like to be thinner but after many diets %26 exersize I can't seem to lose it. This has happened to me more than once, but I guess I should feel flattered in a way because I am close to 50 %26 people say I look young for my age, but it still really bugs me. What is a good comeback to a annoying question like this?
I worked in an elementary school a few years ago and a child asked me that question. Then she told me I was "fat like my mommy". I just smiled and walked away thinking the innocence of a child. When a stranger asks me, I just smile and reply "I'm not!" and walk away.
I too have had this happen. Rub your tummy and say in two months
an aquaintance said it to me, and wow, it hurt, so that's when i decided it was time to make a change! First of all that person is RUDE, second, it's never to late to look awesome!! i was thinking of starting a support group for people that want to lose 30 lbs by Christmas! Look for me! good luck and if you need any support you can email me!
Check with your doctor to see if you have a tumour. This is what makes a women appear pg. Please do not delay.As to a comeback, just smile and say "I'm not pg". This will embarrass the heck out of them.
not a woman, but I have actually did this while in check out line at a store and never felt worse in my life bothered me for weeks. will be more careful in future.
you could say "i'm due the same time you're gonna get a clue" or you could be polite and say nicely that you are not expecting.
I worked in an elementary school a few years ago and a child asked me that question. Then she told me I was "fat like my mommy". I just smiled and walked away thinking the innocence of a child. When a stranger asks me, I just smile and reply "I'm not!" and walk away.
I too have had this happen. Rub your tummy and say in two months
an aquaintance said it to me, and wow, it hurt, so that's when i decided it was time to make a change! First of all that person is RUDE, second, it's never to late to look awesome!! i was thinking of starting a support group for people that want to lose 30 lbs by Christmas! Look for me! good luck and if you need any support you can email me!
Check with your doctor to see if you have a tumour. This is what makes a women appear pg. Please do not delay.As to a comeback, just smile and say "I'm not pg". This will embarrass the heck out of them.
not a woman, but I have actually did this while in check out line at a store and never felt worse in my life bothered me for weeks. will be more careful in future.
you could say "i'm due the same time you're gonna get a clue" or you could be polite and say nicely that you are not expecting.
Hardboiled Eggs...Healthy?
When i make a hardboiled egg...i cant stand the yellow part in the center but i love the white! I have heard that hardboiled eggs are good for you but im only eating the white...is that good? am i throwing away the most nutritious part? the yellow?
Actually, the yolk, or yellow part is the bad part of the egg, it is mostly fat. The white is pure protien and low in calories, so go for it, eat the white and toss the yolk.
actually the white is the most healthy part of an egg. the yolk is where all of the fat and cholestorol are found. so you're doing the right thing w/o even knowing it.
The yellow part is the part that is good for you. Try mixing it with things, like mayonaise or mustard or even sugar substitue. The hard boiled egg, when you eat all of it is one of two foods that it takes more calories to eat than it has in it... the other is grapefruit. While the yellow does have cholesterol and the fat part of the egg, it also has the protein and it is a good fat, not a bad one. The cholesterol is now believed to be much lower than it was in the 70's and 80's. It also is very important that you have some cholesterol in your diet, just not too much.
To answer your first question: Hard-boiled eggs are VERY healthy. They're a great source of protein and "healthy" fat.Now for your second question: If you eat only the white you are missing out on some of the protein and "healthy" fat, but the yellow is not the most nutritious part of the egg. So no harm no foul if you just eat the white. However, don't believe what you hear about cholesterol. They say eating egg yolks raises your cholesterol because all the cholesterol is in the egg yolk. Not true. Eating foods high in cholesterol does not raise your cholesterol. Eating foods that are high in trans fat or saturated fat will raise your cholesterol levels, and eggs don't have either of those. In fact, the "healthy" fat in eggs actually helps lower your "bad" cholesterol while raising your "good" cholesterol.
Why not try half boiled? It is more palatable including the yellow.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
Sure the white part is good for you and you are correct that much of the egg's nutrition is being wasted when you throw it away. Perhaps some cat or dog would benefit from your egg eating exercises.
Actually, the yolk, or yellow part is the bad part of the egg, it is mostly fat. The white is pure protien and low in calories, so go for it, eat the white and toss the yolk.
actually the white is the most healthy part of an egg. the yolk is where all of the fat and cholestorol are found. so you're doing the right thing w/o even knowing it.
The yellow part is the part that is good for you. Try mixing it with things, like mayonaise or mustard or even sugar substitue. The hard boiled egg, when you eat all of it is one of two foods that it takes more calories to eat than it has in it... the other is grapefruit. While the yellow does have cholesterol and the fat part of the egg, it also has the protein and it is a good fat, not a bad one. The cholesterol is now believed to be much lower than it was in the 70's and 80's. It also is very important that you have some cholesterol in your diet, just not too much.
To answer your first question: Hard-boiled eggs are VERY healthy. They're a great source of protein and "healthy" fat.Now for your second question: If you eat only the white you are missing out on some of the protein and "healthy" fat, but the yellow is not the most nutritious part of the egg. So no harm no foul if you just eat the white. However, don't believe what you hear about cholesterol. They say eating egg yolks raises your cholesterol because all the cholesterol is in the egg yolk. Not true. Eating foods high in cholesterol does not raise your cholesterol. Eating foods that are high in trans fat or saturated fat will raise your cholesterol levels, and eggs don't have either of those. In fact, the "healthy" fat in eggs actually helps lower your "bad" cholesterol while raising your "good" cholesterol.
Why not try half boiled? It is more palatable including the yellow.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
Sure the white part is good for you and you are correct that much of the egg's nutrition is being wasted when you throw it away. Perhaps some cat or dog would benefit from your egg eating exercises.
Happy with Bally's?
I'm going to start going to the Bally's gym.. I was just wondering what people think of it. You know, helpful or not? Nice or not? Etc, etc. Hope you get the gist of it :)
depends on the gym. The one I go to to is horrible; over crowded, dirty, rude/stupid patrons. But it is cheap.
I'm paying 15/month. So long as I don't go between 4-8pm and I don't go swimming in the (cess)pool, it is perfect.
But other Bally gyms are very nice, and I'm sure other patrons are very nice as well.
Point being depends on what you ecpect out of it, and depends on what your gyms turns out to be.
I hated it...the enviorment, the people, just a really bad over all experiance. Try and find somewhere else to go.
depends on the gym. The one I go to to is horrible; over crowded, dirty, rude/stupid patrons. But it is cheap.
I'm paying 15/month. So long as I don't go between 4-8pm and I don't go swimming in the (cess)pool, it is perfect.
But other Bally gyms are very nice, and I'm sure other patrons are very nice as well.
Point being depends on what you ecpect out of it, and depends on what your gyms turns out to be.
I hated it...the enviorment, the people, just a really bad over all experiance. Try and find somewhere else to go.
Hamstring muscle stretched skin???
people always tell me i am not fat at all i am on the super skinny side and in the last week i have found a couple stretch marks where my hamstring is on the back of my leg. i work out A LOT and i have noticed i can do more weights for my hamstings. now that i have a bigger muscle, is that why i have STRETCH MARKS :(
If your size changes rapidly (gain weight, bigger muscles, get taller, etc), then your skin doesn't have time to keep up. That's what causes the stretch marks. The good news is, if the marks are still red (haven't turned white yet), there's hope to minimize the scarring. Try cocoa butter. Rub it on the area where the stretch marks are and any other areas that you are building muscle (sort of a preemptive strike). Another option is go to a pharmacy and look for creams for pregnant women that reduce stretch marks. These are probably the most potent ones you can get. If they've turned white already, you're SOL (sorry!), but try to minimize in future areas.
If your size changes rapidly (gain weight, bigger muscles, get taller, etc), then your skin doesn't have time to keep up. That's what causes the stretch marks. The good news is, if the marks are still red (haven't turned white yet), there's hope to minimize the scarring. Try cocoa butter. Rub it on the area where the stretch marks are and any other areas that you are building muscle (sort of a preemptive strike). Another option is go to a pharmacy and look for creams for pregnant women that reduce stretch marks. These are probably the most potent ones you can get. If they've turned white already, you're SOL (sorry!), but try to minimize in future areas.
Halloween candy already?
My big fat ugly wife just bought about about twenty five pounds of candy that she says is to give away at Halloween! I think she will eat it all before then and we will end up buying more candy for Halloween. We really can't afford to buy so much candy, and she is already as big as a house.
don't worry about it dude. you can always just leave a sign out or tell trick or treaters that your lame wife ate all their candy and there is none left for them. they should have no problems taking matters into their own hands. i wouldn't be surprised if the preteens beat her with their skateboards and pillow cases of candy.
hehe she sounds nice
your big fat ugly wife?maybe if you werent so horible to her she wouldnt have to comfort eat? (if thats what shes doing)if you think shes too fat do exercise together and SUPPORT her! when she buys so much candy tell her gently but dont make it sound like your setting rules, just that she should cut down a bit.maybe your problems are bigger than this, if so you should talk through it and work it out together.
Maybe your mean comments are depressing her and she finds comfort in candy. Stop being so negative and encourage her to work out and maybe help her by signing up for a gym together or going on walks together. Be positive towards her and positive results will follow. And if that doesn't work, throw away the candy so she sees how much of a waste it is to even buy it.
can i have some candy? ill be good??ill slip your big fat ugly wife the mule for some candy?
don't worry about it dude. you can always just leave a sign out or tell trick or treaters that your lame wife ate all their candy and there is none left for them. they should have no problems taking matters into their own hands. i wouldn't be surprised if the preteens beat her with their skateboards and pillow cases of candy.
hehe she sounds nice
your big fat ugly wife?maybe if you werent so horible to her she wouldnt have to comfort eat? (if thats what shes doing)if you think shes too fat do exercise together and SUPPORT her! when she buys so much candy tell her gently but dont make it sound like your setting rules, just that she should cut down a bit.maybe your problems are bigger than this, if so you should talk through it and work it out together.
Maybe your mean comments are depressing her and she finds comfort in candy. Stop being so negative and encourage her to work out and maybe help her by signing up for a gym together or going on walks together. Be positive towards her and positive results will follow. And if that doesn't work, throw away the candy so she sees how much of a waste it is to even buy it.
can i have some candy? ill be good??ill slip your big fat ugly wife the mule for some candy?
H57 Hoodia? Does it work? Any luck??
Kitkat:I have not taken H57 Hoodia, but based on what I've learned about the product I would not recommend you waste your money. Most of the hoodia diet pills on the market today are fake. In fact, one expert claims the percentage of fake supplements could be as high as 80%! Unfortunately, H57 Hoodia may be one of them. The best way (the ONLY way really) to determine if a product is real is to have it tested by an independent lab. Reputable companies that are selling authentic hoodia gordonii will have their products tested at random on a regular basis to ensure what they are selling is real. H57 claims they do that but they don't offer any proof (i.e. test results) on their website. If that isn't enough, the respected BBC Journalist, Tom Mangold, in conjunction with Millennium Health Supplements (the largest exporter of South African Hoodia Gordonii in the world), purchased H57 Hoodia from store shelves in December of 2005 and October of 2006 and had it tested by an independent lab. The results in both cases showed that the material in Hoodia H57 capsules was not hoodia gordonii. Bill Flohr, the producer of ‘The Health Report’ said of the tests, “We were very surprised that H57 Hoodia failed testing both times.” For this reason alone, I would not recommend this product to anyone looking for effective appetite suppression.Granted, those tests were done in 2005 and 2006, but the fact that H57 Hoodia failed two tests in two consecutive years isn't a good sign. Even if H57 Hoodia is authentic, there isn't much hoodia in the product. There is only 200mg of hoodia gordonii in each two-capsule serving. This amount of hoodia isn’t going to do much for appetite suppression. Experts and doctors alike say it can take as much as 3,000mg of hoodia gordonii per day to suppress appetite. You’d have to swallow 30 capsules of this product at those doses! Heck, even if you cut that hoodia dosage recommendation in half you’d still have to take 15 pills per day.The other thing you’ll notice is that Hoodia H57 contains other ingredients. These ingredients aren’t necessarily dangerous nor are they going to cause any unwanted side effects, but they are unnecessary for appetite suppression. The other ingredients shown may have some potential benefits as it pertains to weight loss, but at such low doses I doubt they play a significant role. If you are serious about taking hoodia, I would stick with brands that have been proven to contain 100% authentic hoodia gordonii such as Desert Burn, Hoodoba, and Hoodia Hoodia. If you'd like to learn more about these brands, you can read detailed reviews of each here:
http://hoodiaandweightloss.com/category/...Hope this helps.Travis
Do you know how effective are your weight loss diet pills? http://www.gordoniihoodia.netSlim Fast Diet Solution for losing weight from thighs, stomach, belly, face, butt and much much more,Purchasing a weight loss supplement without research and the facts can amount to throwing your hard earned money out the window. There are hundreds of weight loss products online today. With all of the hype, it's impossible to tell which products are based more on marketing hype rather than true effective solutions.That's why we researched and continuously investigate which diet pills really work. Here's a list of the top eight most effective diet supplements being used by people like you, safely trying to lose weight:
November 21, 2004 will go down in history as the day that Hoodia Gordonii was discovered in America. http://www.gordoniihoodia.net/herbal-phe... It was on that date that CBS 60 Minutes aired a program about Hoodia Gordonii and for the first time many people were introduced to this traditional botanical. Hoodia is currently the most publicized and talked about natural weight loss supplement in America . It has been featured on CBS 60 Minutes, ABC, NBC Today, BBC, CNN, in Oprah's “O” Magazine and in other major media.
Authentic Hoodia Gordonii is only available for export from South Africa. In the wild it is considered an endangered species and is strictly controlled. With the opportunity presently surrounding hoodia, the product is in very high demand which has created a surplus of counterfeit, fake and diluted hoodia products.
We have tested the leading Hoodia Brands and have selected three products that we feel offer the safest, most effective weight loss on the market today.
Hoodia Gordonii Plus is a cutting-edge, advanced appetite suppressant, metabolism booster, fat burner and energy enhancer all in one. This is a supplement if you are looking for more than just an appetite suppresent. thats all 100 % FDA Approved.
Gyms in London/UK?
Which is the best gym to join?
I want:
I like tai chi, yoga, pilates and dance. There must be free classes included in the monthly price.
2. Mobility
I might move house as I'm applying for jobs outside my zone.
3. Convenience
It should be in an area easy to get to by tube.
4. Machines
I have been going to gyms for a while and I am accustomed to amazing machines with TVs and super duper abs machines!
5. Value
I want to pay about 拢35 a month!
It has to be the best gym in the world, Gold's Gym.They Have Flexibility and balance classes.They have lots of plasma screens.You have your own trainerYou get a diet planGold's Gym branches are the best plus this is where arnold trained.I am not from london so I dont know lot's of gyms but you can search london's yellow pages.
And you can do bodyweight exercises like these
if you cant find a gym when you travel.Knee Push Ups
Bench Push Ups
Isometric Push Up
Standard Push Ups
Wide Push Ups
Diamond Push Ups
Push Up with Rotation
Explosive Push Ups
Staggered Push Ups
Hindu Push Ups
Push Up W/ Elevated Feet
Wall Stand
90 Degree wall Push Ups
Pull Ups
Close Hands Pull Ups
Wide Hand Pull Ups (back)Leg Lifts
Bed Leg Raise
Knee Tucks
The Plank
Hanging Hip Raise
Plank with Leg Raises
Lumbar Roll
Leg Raise Pike (Pull Up bar)
Straight Leg Obliques
Lying Side Crunch
Super ManBurpeesSquats:
Calf Raises
Sitting Leg List
Chair position
One Legged Squats
One Legged Calf Raise
Pistol Squats ;)
There are a few about yes.
Try Joining FitnessFirst.
Try One Day For Free*
Your best bet is to wait until you move, as you may have to stump up for an annual membership (almost certain if you want the quality to are speaking of) and then find that there are none of that particular company in the new area. Soho gyms are pretty good for the short term, you won't get the luxury you are searching for, but their machines and classes are good and you can join from a month to a year or just pay as you go. Unless you are sure you will not be moving, do not join a gym.If you do move, good names like David Lloyd, Holmes Place to mention but two will give you what you are looking for, though you may have to pay a little more. When you know where you are going to be, look in the yellow pages, or on the internet at the local gyms and make appointments to go and look around. When you see the one you like, join it.
I want:
I like tai chi, yoga, pilates and dance. There must be free classes included in the monthly price.
2. Mobility
I might move house as I'm applying for jobs outside my zone.
3. Convenience
It should be in an area easy to get to by tube.
4. Machines
I have been going to gyms for a while and I am accustomed to amazing machines with TVs and super duper abs machines!
5. Value
I want to pay about 拢35 a month!
It has to be the best gym in the world, Gold's Gym.They Have Flexibility and balance classes.They have lots of plasma screens.You have your own trainerYou get a diet planGold's Gym branches are the best plus this is where arnold trained.I am not from london so I dont know lot's of gyms but you can search london's yellow pages.
And you can do bodyweight exercises like these
if you cant find a gym when you travel.Knee Push Ups
Bench Push Ups
Isometric Push Up
Standard Push Ups
Wide Push Ups
Diamond Push Ups
Push Up with Rotation
Explosive Push Ups
Staggered Push Ups
Hindu Push Ups
Push Up W/ Elevated Feet
Wall Stand
90 Degree wall Push Ups
Pull Ups
Close Hands Pull Ups
Wide Hand Pull Ups (back)Leg Lifts
Bed Leg Raise
Knee Tucks
The Plank
Hanging Hip Raise
Plank with Leg Raises
Lumbar Roll
Leg Raise Pike (Pull Up bar)
Straight Leg Obliques
Lying Side Crunch
Super ManBurpeesSquats:
Calf Raises
Sitting Leg List
Chair position
One Legged Squats
One Legged Calf Raise
Pistol Squats ;)
There are a few about yes.
Try Joining FitnessFirst.
Try One Day For Free*
Your best bet is to wait until you move, as you may have to stump up for an annual membership (almost certain if you want the quality to are speaking of) and then find that there are none of that particular company in the new area. Soho gyms are pretty good for the short term, you won't get the luxury you are searching for, but their machines and classes are good and you can join from a month to a year or just pay as you go. Unless you are sure you will not be moving, do not join a gym.If you do move, good names like David Lloyd, Holmes Place to mention but two will give you what you are looking for, though you may have to pay a little more. When you know where you are going to be, look in the yellow pages, or on the internet at the local gyms and make appointments to go and look around. When you see the one you like, join it.
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