Saturday, October 31, 2009

Has anyone ever taken the diet pill called Akavar 20/50? Or Alli?

what kind of diet pill have you taken that has worked and helped you really lose what?PLEASE answer only if you have taken some
I have tried Alli and I had bad cramps as a result
I took Xenadrine about 4 yrs ago and I lost some MAJOR weight! I lost 68 lbs. total in about 4 mos. It was great, that was, until they banned ephedra. I heard they released it again with ephedra though. I have to be honest though, until this day, 4 yrs after I took these pills for about 8 mos or so, I suffer from heart problems. They caused me to have heart palpitations, pains on my chest, and shortness of breath. I know they screwed me up but I am too afraid to see a Dr. Its really up to you if you want them or not, but for me its not worth it b/c I have children and Im sure they would rather have me fat than dead! Good Luck to you!!

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