Sunday, October 25, 2009

Grapefruit Diet?

I need to know everything about the diet plz...
anyone who has tried it
i love grapefruit but i dont think i can it all the time...
plz help!
All you have to do is drink a glass of grapefruit juice or eat half a grapefruit at the beginning of every meal.Some highly reputable scientists have found that people who do that will lose about half a pound a week. Without dieting. Or going crazy on the treadmill. Or doing anything differently except eating grapefruit like they owned a citrus orchard. Why?
Grapefruit contains certain plant compounds that seem to lower insulin levels, which encourages weight loss. Which suggests that you might be able to skip not only the crazy grapefruit diet but all diets and still shed a few pounds.
You'll likely gain weight back.
Contact me I have all the info you need for this diet.I ve been on it for 2 months and 10 days and I have lost 31 lbs. and still losing.

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